Turbocharge Coldstarts with ASP.NET Core NativeAOT

Rainer Stropek | time cockpit

Rainer Stropek

Passionate software developer
IT-Entrepreneur, CoderDojo-Mentor, Teacher

software architects gmbh



  • Why?
    • Reduce cold start time
    • Less memory (RAM and disk) - not always, but often
  • Good for everything?
    • No! 🔗
    • Mainly because of assembly trimming 🔗
    • Important libraries and parts of ASP.NET Core are not compatible (yet)
  • Test your apps after compiling for NativeAOT
    • Behavior should be identical to dotnet run
    • Better safe than sorry!
  • Learn more 🔗

Turbocharge Coldstarts with ASP.NET Core NativeAOT

By Rainer Stropek

Turbocharge Coldstarts with ASP.NET Core NativeAOT

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