Wasm -
The Container Killer?
Rainer Stropek | @rstropek@fosstodon.org | @rstropek
Rainer Stropek
- Passionate developer since 25+ years
- Microsoft MVP, Regional Director
- Trainer, Teacher, Mentor
- 💕 community

Only run code that you trust
- Trusted sources
- Trusted suppliers, employees
- Open-source software
- Trusted languages and platforms
- E.g. C vs. Rust
- Who can we trust?
- E.g. supply-chain attacks
- Rogue people
- Human errors
Trust, but limits
We need to isolate un/semitrusted code
- Limited view on the host system
- Processes
- File system
- Network
- Limited access to resources
- CPU and memory limits
- Different levels
- Physical machines
- Virtual machines
- Containers
- Processes
- We want to make good use of resources
- Hardware
- Peoples' time
- Sharing on different levels
- VMs on hypervisors
- Containers
- Different Processes
- Same process
- Influencing factors
- Strength of separation
- System overhead
- Toil required to keep system alive
- Developer productivity
- Containers can help in some areas
- More efficient than VMs
- Complex architectures compared to monoliths
- DevOps toil
- Reduced developer productivity
- In practice: Choose between simplicity/productivity
and security through separation
Build once, run everywhere
- Portable code to avoid having to build for many platforms
- E.g. IL in C# and Java, JavaScript
- No longer the case when using AOT
- Ideally: JIT or AOT available on many different platforms
- (including the browser)
- Containers cannot really help here

+ Sandbox
+ Efficiency
What is WebAssembly (Wasm)?
- Binary instruction format for stack-based VM
- Language-agnostic
- Portable compilation target for many languages
- E.g. Rust, C, C#, etc.
- Inside the browser and outside of the browser
- Outside of the browser we need a host
Run Wasm module in .NET with limited fuel
# Sample: https://github.com/rstropek/rust-samples/tree/master/hello-wagi
just wasmtime
...build a web server for Wasm and host each request handler in a separate (sandboxed) process?

Enter: WAGI 🔗
# Sample: https://github.com/rstropek/rust-samples/tree/master/hello-wagi
just run-native level1
just run level1
# Open http://localhost:3000/level1-ping
# Change modules.toml and open http://localhost:3000/ping-oci
just run-native level2
just run level2
# Do some web requests to http://localhost:3000/level2
just run level3
# Open http://localhost:3000/level3
# Discuss file mappings
# Discuss routing
just run level4
# Execute GET http://localhost:3000/level4?year=2022&month=5&day=18
# Discuss allowed host
...define a Wasm-based standard for building and running language-agnostic (sandboxed) components?

Enter: Wasm Components 🔗
# Sample: https://github.com/rstropek/rust-samples/tree/master/hello-spin
just run
# Open http://localhost:3000/level1
# Send requests to http://localhost:3000/level2
# Send requests to http://localhost:3000/level3
Fractal Tree
Fun With Trees 🌲
# Build everything for Linux
just build-linux
# Check CLI
just help-linux
# Run native app
just run-linux
Fun With Trees 🌲 - Let's Go Wasm
# Build everything for Wasm (Wasi)
just build-wasi
# Run tree generator with Wasmtime
just run-wasi
# Add gas limit to see resource limits in action
Fun With Trees 🌲 - Let's Go Wasm
# Build everything for Wasm (Wasi)
just build-wasi
# Run tree generator with WasmEdge
just run-wasmedge
# Run tree generator with stats
just run-wasmedge-stats
# AOT compile using wasmedgec
just aot
# Run AOT compiled version
just run-aot
...make tree generator available online using Wasm and Spin?

Enter: Spin
Fun With Trees 🌲 - Let's Go Wasm
# Build spin app
just build-spin
# Run spin app
just run-spin
# Publish everything in the Spin cloud
just deploy-spin
Spin 🔗
...put our Wasm module on Dockerhub and run it on K8s?

Enter: Containerd Wasm Shims 🔗
Fun With Trees 🌲 - Let's Go AKS
# Build and publish Docker image
just docker
Wasm Workload on AKS 🔗
- Add a Wasm/Wasi node pool to AKS 🔗
kubectl get nodes -o wide
kubectl describe node aks-mywasipool-41740949-vmss000000
kubectl describe node aks-mywasipool-41740949-vmss000000 | grep spin
- Add Wasm/Wasi workload
cd AKS/spin-workload
kubectl apply -f spin.yaml
So What?
- Containers did not kill VMs in Hypervisors
- Wasm will not kill Containers!
- However,...
- ...Wasm is similar to Containers on a higher abstraction level
- ...Wasm is platform-agnostic
- ...Wasm runs in a sandbox
- ...you can build light-weight Wasm-based components
- Many application areas beyond webservers
- Serverless cloud environments ("cloud edge")
- Run semi-trusted components in Sandbox, protects against supply-chain attacks
- Build language-agnostic extensibility layers for e.g. business apps
- ...
Thank you for your attention!
By Rainer Stropek
- 1,037