What's New in Azure for Developers
Shifting Things to the Left
- Shift left = do things earlier in the dev process
- Testing
- Security
- Deployment
As developers, we have to learn more about security
Azure Virtual Networks π
- Similar to a traditional network, but in Azure
- Address space, subnets
- VNets can be connected through VNet Peering
- Network Security Rules (NSGs) filter traffic to/from VNets
- Can be connected to an on-premises network using VPN Gateway
Private EndpointsΒ bring Azure PaaS offerings into your VNet π
- Optionally, make your own services available through PEs
- Private DNS for managed DNS services inside VNet
Limit network accessability of services to a minimum
Limited knowledge about networking in dev teams
Traditionally, devs did not care so much about firewalls, proxies, routers, DNS, address ranges, etc.
Troubleshooting challenges
How to access resources not accessible via Internet?
VPN hard to get right especially in larger enterprises
Azure Bastion πΒ might be a possible solution. Challenge: VMs
It is always DNS! π
Azure DNS Private Resolver π
Query Azure DNS private zones from an on-premises environment and vice versa
Important for scenarios with Azure VNets, Private Endpoints, and Enterprise VPN Gateways
Previously: Manage your own DNS solution based on VMs
New solution is fully managed, no VMs needed
Currently in public preview
ssh rainer@
dig rsmanagedstorage.blob.core.windows.net
# Returns public IP of storage
dig @ rsmanagedstorage.blob.core.windows.net
# is inbound interface of Private DNS Resolver
# Returns private IP of storage
sudo vim /etc/netplan/50-cloud-init.yaml
# add nameservers: addresses: []
sudo netplan apply
dig rsmanagedstorage.blob.core.windows.net
# Returns private IP of storage
Azure Frontdoor
- Integrated Routing, CDN, and security solution
- Caching
- Web Application Firewall
- Reverse Proxy
- "Front door" to static and dynamic assets
- Premium tier support Private Endpoints
- Greatly simplified pricing π
- Now affordable in even smaller projects
Workload identity federation ππ
Token Exchange
- Goal: Turn external JWT into AAD token
- Use AAD token to access AAD-protected Azure resources
- Examples: GitHub, Google Cloud, K8s
GitHub Actions -> Azure
- https://github.com/rstropek/ContainerAppsDemo/blob/main/.github/workflows/build-images.yaml
- Deploy container images to ACR
- Copy SPA static files into Azure Storage
Azure Container Apps
What is ACA?

Yet another container option?
- App Service
- Optimized for web sites and APIs
- Serverless, event-driven with Functions,
butΒ Functions-specific programming model
- Container Instances
- Single pod, Hyper-V isolated containers on demand
- No scaling, load balancing, etc.
- Building block for other services (e.g. AKS virtual nodes)
- Kubernetes Service, Red Hat Open Shift
- Managed clusters
- Configured by customers
- Container Apps
- More general than App Service
- Less configuration/maintenance work than AKS
Feature Highlights
- VNet support
- Optional support for Dapr π
- Any Linux-based x86-64 container works
- No Windows support yet
- Multiple containers per Container App (=Pod)
- Support for revisions
- Support for traffic shaping
- Well suited for Microservices
- Service discovery
- Dapr integration
- Independent scaling, versioning per app
- Authentication support
- Similar to App Service Easy Auth
Demo Azure Container Apps
- Discuss app
- https://itvinfotagweb.z6.web.core.windows.net/
- Create Container App
- Deploy container image from ACR
- Discuss
- CA Environment
- Authentication
- Containers
- Scaling (change min. to 1)
- Console
What else?
Azure Dev Box π
Private Preview
Codespaces anybody?
Azure Load Testing π
Public Preview
Copilot π
Technical Preview
Azure π€
What's new in Azure for Developers
By Rainer Stropek
What's new in Azure for Developers
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