Programming with KODU Part 2

LI: I can modify an existing algorithm

Success Criteria

       ALL  -  I can make my Kodu perform an action


      MOST - I can edit my algorithm to suit a situation


       SOME - I can create multiple programs for my Kodu to                                perform depending on a situation


Name that TOOL 


 I want to zoom in and out what should I use?


1 - arrow keys

2 - Scroll Wheel

3 - left click

4 - right click



I want to add ground to my existing world, what should I use?



1 - Ground Brush

2 - Flatten

3 - Object Tool

4 - Move Camera



I need to put a rover in my Kodu world, which of the actions will allow me to?


1 - object --> select the character

2 - right click the ground --> select the character

3 - object --> click the land --> select character

4 - click the ground --> select the character

Kodu Loves Red Apples

  One upon a time in a Kodu world far away, there lived a Kodu bot named Jimmy who loved to eat apples. One day, his stomach felt so picky that he decided to eat only the red apples he sees. Let's help him find all the red apples in his Kodu world

Kodu Loves Red Apples

One day after eating a lot of red apples, Jimmy began to beep and beep and beep until...he learned how to speak! Every time Jimmy eats a red apple, he will say "I LOVE RED APPLES"

KODU Task List

TASK 1: Create the example shown to you


KODU Task List

TASK 2: Write your own KODU storyline. Plan out your program with a pair

KODU Task List

TASK 3: Build it with your partner. Be as creative as you can :) 

KODU Part 2

By Raizyl Duque

KODU Part 2

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