Introduction to Algorithm

LI: to be able to make an algorithm using a flowchart

I can..

  • write down step in doing a task (5A)


  • use a flowchart to show the steps in doing the task (6C)


  • use a flowchart to show steps in doing a challenging task (6B)

decide who will be A and B

write the steps on how to do the following task:

HINT: be specific :) 

A: How to open an e-mail address

B: How to send an SMS to your friend

2 minutes

share your answer to your partner

*give comments

*add another step if you believe something is missing

Think about it..

Input     - Process -      Output


a step-by-step procedure in solving a task/problem



Introduction to Algorithm

By Raizyl Duque

Introduction to Algorithm

slide for Year 9

  • 477