What is Voyeurism?
Voyeurism is the sexual interest or looking over people engaged in intimate behaviors.It
further consists of many categories which Im going to elaborate with examples.
Work from home-Fifth harmony
Th clearly gives us the idea of Voyeurism where it shows the intimate activity.Laura
Mulvey,a film theorist discusses about how females are potrayed in media as sexual
objects and they are objectifed to give pleasure to men by male gaze.
Wrecking ball-Miley Cyrus
This video of Miley Cyrus completely gives the idea
about voyeurism.The full angle shot of this video
shows Miley Cyrus completely naked and it is
shot in a very seductive manner.
Laura Mulveys theory on Male gaze
The concept of male gaze was first developed by Laura Mulvey in 1975
in her Visual pleasure theory.She states that gender power is a
controlling force in cinema and is constructed for the pleasure
of male viewer.This term is mainly in reference to Voyeurism.The
camera is brought on focus to the curves of Woman's body and she's
displayed as an erotic object. Laura Mulvey argues that in mainstream
cinema,the male gaze typically takes precedence over the female gaze.
Mulvey describes its two central forms that are based inFreud's concept of scopophilia, as: "pleasure that is linked to sexual attraction''.
Mulvey's essay also states that the female gaze is the same as the male gaze. This means that women look at themselves through the eyes of men. The male gaze may be seen by a feminist.
Types of gaze and Visual pleasure theory:
- Male Gaze
- Spectator Gaze
- Female Gaze
- Intra Diegetic gaze
Jet blue-Major Lazor
Cold water-Major lazor

Cant remember to forget you-Shakira
The male gaze is the way in which male views the women in sexual and masculine point of view,
presenting women as objects of male pleasure.Female model is often put on display directly to the
spectator or indirectly through the mirror.
Music video example for male gaze

In Cant remember to forget you,the music video shows a lot of nudity,the camera slows down and stops on a woman's curves in a shot imitating how man stares at a women.This denotes women as the objects of sexual desire within a society.Women's legs,breasts and body has been focused openly.Shakira's bottom is the main focus in this video which is a perfect example for male gaze.

Moreover,this video clearly shows Shakira
moving on bed and touching her upper legs
which shows the idea of sexual pleasure.
The lighting is mainly red and
by her moves,she's trying to
attract the men.
Female Gaze
This is when sometimes women are the voyeurs and they are gazing upon men
to get pleasure by watching men as they are objectified with half naked bodies.
However,there are less movies and music videos which show men objectified
the way women are.There's a lot of female gaze in Work from home by Fifth harmony.
Work from home-Fifth Harmony

Marina and the diamonds
Music video example for Female gaze

I've used 2 music video examples for female gaze, Call me
maybe by Carly Rae and the other one is Marina and
Diamonds. In these videos,the guys body is the main
focus of camera. In call me maybe, the guy takes off his
shirt showing his muscles and the camera slows down there,
whilst in the other video the guys are being showed
in the naked in the shower.Ripping off shirt,chest,abbs are all
attracted to women in these videos.
Woman would be objectifying the man
to the subject of their desires and
pleasures of looking.
Spectator gaze
This gaze is the gaze of the viewer at an image of a person(animal,object) in the text.When you look at an object, you are not only seeing the object itself but also building up a relationship with it.

Intra-diegetic gaze
The gaze of a person depicted in the text looking ‘out of the frame’ as if at the viewer, with associated gestures and postures. For example

By Ramsha Bukhari
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