Digitizing Touch:
A new Sensing Modality for AI

Roberto Calandra

Vodafone AI Summit - 25 June 2024

Learning, Adaptive Systems, and Robotics (LASR) Lab

Digitizing Touch: A new Sensing Modality for AI Roberto Calandra Vodafone AI Summit - 25 June 2024 Learning, Adaptive Systems, and Robotics (LASR) Lab

Vodafone AI

By Roberto Calandra

Vodafone AI

Touch is a crucial sensor modality in both humans and robots. Recent advances in tactile sensing hardware have resulted -- for the first time -- in the availability of mass-produced, high-resolution, inexpensive, and reliable tactile sensors. In this talk, I will argue for the importance of creating a new computational field of "Touch processing" dedicated to the processing and understanding of touch, similarly to what computer vision is for vision. This new field will present significant challenges both in terms of research and engineering. To start addressing some of these challenges, I will introduce our open-source ecosystem dedicated to touch sensing research. Finally, I will present some applications of touch in robotics and discuss other future applications.

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