Why I Don't Care About PageSpeed
And You Should Too
Remy Perona
Lead developer of WP Rocket at WP Media
Who Wants a Fast Website?
Who Wants a Fast Website?
How to Measure the Speed of My Website?
How to Measure the Speed of My Website?
Google PageSpeed Insights
The Issue
With PageSpeed
PageSpeed Doesn't Measure
The Loading Time
of Your Website
Good PageSpeed Score
PageSpeed Score: 85
Loading Time:
PageSpeed Score: 58
Loading Time:
"The PageSpeed score has no impact for your SEO.
For Google, the loading time of your website is important."
Joost De Valk - Yoast
"Even though the score is linked to the speed of the page, it is not entirely representative of the actual user experience"
The only important metric for your visitors is the
loading time
of your website!
Why use PageSpeed?
Why use PageSpeed?
Detect possible optimizations (with caution)
Why use PageSpeed?
Detect possible optimizations (with caution)
In addition to a loading time measurement tool (Pingdom Tools)
PageSpeed Suggestions
PageSpeed Suggestions
Enable Compression
Activate GZIP compression on your server (.htaccess, nginx.conf)
PageSpeed Suggestions
Enable Compression
Activate GZIP compression on your server (.htaccess, nginx.conf)
Leverage Browser Caching
Activate Expirations headers on your server (.htaccess, nginx.conf)
PageSpeed Suggestions
Enable Compression
Activate GZIP compression on your server (.htaccess, nginx.conf)
Leverage Browser Caching
Activate Expirations headers on your server (.htaccess, nginx.conf)
Avoid Landing Page Redirects
Minimize/Remove redirections to the final landing page
PageSpeed Suggestions
Minify Resources
Minify your static resources (Autoptimize, WP Rocket…)
PageSpeed Suggestions
Minify Resources
Minify your static resources (Autoptimize, WP Rocket…)
Reduce Server Response Time
Use a static cache (with a plugin) or server cache (Varnish, NGINX…)
PageSpeed Suggestions
Minify Resources
Minify your static resources (Autoptimize, WP Rocket…)
Reduce Server Response Time
Use a static cache (with a plugin) or server cache (Varnish, NGINX…)
Optimize Images
Use a solution to reduce images file size (ImageOptim, Smush, Imagify…)
Following Those Suggestions
Better Loading Time
Doesn't Apply to External Resources Like Google fonts, Analytics, Ads, Tracking…
PageSpeed Suggestions
Eliminate Render-Blocking JavaScript and CSS
Load CSS and JavaScript files using defer/async solutions
Can cause display issues
Critical CSS might be different for each page
Insert critical CSS into the <head> tag of your pages
PageSpeed Suggestions
Prioritize Visible Content
Hard to implement in WordPress
Heavily dependent on Theme/Plugins
Structure Your HTML to load the critical, above-the-fold content first
Following Those Suggestions
(Possible) Improvement of the Perceived Loading Time
"Some of PageSpeed's recommendations take substantial effort to implement,
so you need to evaluate the cost of making changes vs. the benefit the rule would have on your page"
PageSpeed Score Doesn't Matter
PageSpeed Score Doesn't Matter
Follow PageSpeed Suggestions With Caution
PageSpeed Score Doesn't Matter
Focus on the Loading Time of Your Website
Follow PageSpeed Suggestions With Caution
Why I Don't Care About PageSpeed, And You Should Too
By Remy Perona
Why I Don't Care About PageSpeed, And You Should Too
- 2,230