Premium plugin

on public GitHub repository:

why it's a good idea

Remy Perona

Lead developer of WP Rocket at WP media



"But if it's available publicly, no one will pay for it!"




Who will use your product for free ?



Search for commercial products on "pirate" websites

Never pay for commercial products

The GitHub version of your product is safe

You're not losing money with them



trial your product to see if it fits their needs

Not yet ready to commit

Will buy to get support & updates

You will convert some of them


Average users

Don't understand how it works

Don't know what GitHub is

GitHub is scary for the uninitiated


Community contribution


No external contribution on a private repository


Public repository

New issues


Pull requests



Your community helps improving the product

It benefits all customers

Fits in the open source and WordPress spirit


An example


WP Rocket

Private to public in December 2016

No public announcement


WP Rocket

No impact on sales

30 issues opened by external contributors

5 pull requests

18 forks




Remy Perona

Premium plugin on a public GitHub repository: why it's a good idea

By Remy Perona

Premium plugin on a public GitHub repository: why it's a good idea

  • 3,108