Dash Fundamentals

Understanding the core concepts

Community + Code = Cryptocurrency
Dash is "digital cash", a crypto-currency

- Dash uses a peer-to-peer network
- consumers & merchants create transactions
- miners validate & transmit transactions
- masternode operators provide governance
- developes implement (codify) the protocol
- Users should know & guide the protocol

- Dash is a protocol
- The protocol is secured through cryptography
- Cryptography involves private/public key pairs
- Private keys are just big numbers (256 bit)
Private Key

private_key =~ random_number
private_key_computer = f ( seed, [PRNG] )
Public Key

public_key = f ( private_key , crypto )
public_address = f ( public_key, hash_function )
- bank chooses your account number
- you choose your password
- bank knows your all your information (password, balances, transactions, etc)
- you (or your software) chooses (creates) your private key
- your public address (like your account number) is derived from your private key
- all your information is private
Demo (paper wallets)

Demo (private keys)

Security (private keys)
Thank you

Dash Fundamentals
By Rion Gull
Dash Fundamentals
- 1,251