Do you (MNOs) want to scale by funding co-ops?
Dash Treasury Scaling

- How can the treasury scale?
- What are the pros & cons of each scaling method?
- How does the treasury currently look?
- Where are we going?
Dash Treasury Scaling

- How can the treasury scale?
- What are the pros & cons of each scaling method?
- How does the treasury currently look?
- Where are we going?

- The treasury can be modeled as a network
- Dot - person receiving treasury funds
- Line - transfer of treasury funds for work performed
Treasury as a Network

- Centralized - one group receives all funds, distributes to subs
- Decentralized - co-ops propose work, employ subs
- Distributed - individuals propose work separately
Network Structures
Dash Treasury Scaling

- How can the treasury scale?
- What are the pros & cons of each scaling method?
- How does the treasury currently look?
- Where are we going?
- Pros
- simple
- efficient
- Cons
- vulnerable
- not sustainable
- Pros
- robust
- sustainable
- Cons
- complex
- inefficient
- simple & efficient as well as robust & sustainable
- conservative (safe) & progressive (innovative)
- benefits of both privacy & transparency
- honors long-timers & welcomes new-comers
- maximizes accountability & minimizes hierarchy
Dash Treasury Scaling

- How can the treasury scale?
- What are the pros & cons of each scaling method?
- How does the treasury currently look?
- Where are we going?

- Treasury has paid out roughly $1.4m to date
- Majority of payout to Dash Core team
- Q1 2017 > (2015 + 2016)
Treasury payouts (through March 2017)

- is this a healthy distribution of funds?
- how much of the circle should be green vs. various other colors?
Treasury distribution (through March 2017)

- 10 contractors have received 91% of treasury funds
Treasury payouts (top 10 contractors)

Treasury payouts depicted as network

- Which network does the previous slide resemble most?
Dash Treasury Structure?
Treasury Scaling Questions

- How can the treasury scale?
- What are the pros & cons of each scaling method?
- How does the treasury currently look?
- Where are we going?
Treasury Scaling Answers
- Centralize, decentralize, or distribute.
- Centralized: eff., weak; distributed: opposite; decentralized: both
- Based on payouts, the treasury is quite centralized
- I propose: decentralize through co-ops, but let's ask the MNOs
Treasury Poll

Do you (MNOs) want the treasury to scale by funding co-ops?
Yes means:
- I see the problem; I generally agree with the proposed solution
- I want to encourage more teams (co-ops) to submit proposals
No means:
- I see the problem, but I'm opposed to the proposed solution
- I don't see the problem; nothing needs to be solved
Abstain means:
- I have considered the information, but I don't have an opinion
- I am not strongly in favor or opposed
- I don't like the way the question is phrased

- Treasury co-ops would:
- yield benefits of centralization & decentralization
- increase contribution and reputation opportunities
- increase quality and decrease cost through competition
- increase project accountability through SPOC
- decrease the burden on MNOs and Dash contractors
- provide healthy scaling
Thank you

Please vote and comment
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Dash Treasury Scaling
By Rion Gull
Dash Treasury Scaling
Discussion of the dash treasury network. Is the treasury centralized or decentralized? How can we scale in an efficient, sustainable way?
- 1,714