WebXR Berlin 2018/6: Let's hack, talk and play while WebXRweek!

By Robert Karpinski

WebXR Berlin 2018/6: Let's hack, talk and play while WebXRweek!

Let‘s hack, talk and play with WebXR while http://www.webxrweek.com/ This time we have hands on http://aframe.io! We talk about your projects, starting new one’s or just check out what's new out there like https://supermedium.com/supercraft/ Bring your laptop, VR rig if you have one and let’s craft something virtual! If you are a beginner check out some https://aframe.io/docs/ and let’s get started :) We welcome beginners and experts at our meetup. That's why we follow and support the Berlin Code of Conduct: http://berlincodeofconduct.org/ As usual we thank Mozilla for their support and providing us internet and drinks. 26.06. 2018 – 19:00 Mozilla Schlesische Straße 27 (3rd floor, CommunityRoom) , 10997 Berlin By Michael Kohler & Robert Karpinski

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