Pitch Deck

Design Decision Tool


Running a business, particularly an IT business, is complicated. Teams often have low consensus when discussing even seemingly simple issues. Meetings go on and on, people feel like their opinions are being drowned out, and the same issues keep popping up again and again.

But it doesn't have to be that way. There are simple techniques which have proven to effectively communicate seemingly complex reasoning in a simple way.


River Kanies - Web Dev

For the past few months I've been working on this alone. I'm currently speaking with other like minded entrepreneurs in my search for potential partners.


Companies with similar goals:

- likehumans

- cloverpop


Team communication is often much less structured and productive than it can be.


People disagree, and don't have a productive process for seriously considering multiple points of view.


This creates tension and ultimately leads to resentment and burnout in the workplace.


  • Flexible - Similar tools are often much more linear. The DDT has a linear intro, but allows for flexible use once the user has a hang on it.


  • Extensible - The DDT is a generalized tool for building intuition based business models which can be harnessed as features in your app.


  • Powerful - The DDT captures the power of machine learning in an intuitive system, fully harnessing human potential.


Decision Matrix

The fundamental, nodal unit of the DDT is a decision matrix.

Users will be walked through the process of harnessing the simple but powerful tool.

Decision matrices can be stacked into a tree structure to flesh out more complex decisions.


Decision Matrix - Which sandwich to eat for lunch?

taste nutrition score
ham 8 6 14
veggie 6 7 13
  • row for each option
  • column for each variable (or 'value')
  • sum values to score each row


  • Similar tools such as CloverPop have demonstrated the utility of such tools.
    • proven effectiveness
    • $6.2M Series A funding
  • I personally use these processes on my projects, and I've found that they help communicate my reasoning, and facilitate decision making (regardless of who actually has the authority to make the final decision).


Decision makers

Shareholders <==> Engineers

Almost anyone who makes important design or process related decisions can benefit from this tool. 

I plan to go after tech companies in particular because my tool is especially useful for modeling decision making processes in atmospheres of high uncertainty.


CloverPop is the only comparable competition that I know of, and it only scratches the surface of what's possible.

  • Simple, intuitive UX for high level decision making
  • Limited power and extensibility

Business Model

Currently working on a proof of concept. Need to validate that people will be willing to learn and use the more technically involved features.


Currently looking for companies to user test and validate the tools. Looking more for investment of time from potential customers than for monetary investment at this point.



Pitch Deck

By River Kanies

Pitch Deck

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