Super Intuitive Interfaces

by River Kanies


Lectures suck... there has to be a better way!

Super Intuitive Right?!

Intuitive How?

  • Simple
    • few options
    • single page design
  • Transparent
    • it's clear what's where
    • accessible information
  • Hierarchical
    • organized, layered

Why the emphasis on "Accessible"?

  • People are lazy
  • More accessible = more use
  • Accessibility = efficiency


  • web design
    • product showcase
    • customer support
  • education

Engajer Helps People Do This

Make your product accessible

More Generally:

Node Tree Structure

  • Same basic design
    • "reactive"
  • Same navigational options
  • Flexibly add depth
  • Conceptually organized in hierarchy
  • Display whole tree for transparency

Everything is a node, so:

Super Intuitive Interfaces

By River Kanies

Super Intuitive Interfaces

  • 313