Robert Saunders Teacher - Importance of Studying History

Are you thinking of studying history? Do you know what it is for and why it is important?


Robert Saunders Teacher - Why is it important to study history
To understand

It is necessary to study history to understand, to change and to know how the society in which we live has come to exist.
This is one of the main justifying factors for what history is for and why it is important.

To know
The importance of studying history is in the knowledge of our past.

Know how countries, oceans, mountains, rivers, valleys, plains were formed ... Know how we evolved. Isn't this important?

To learn
History is the record of the events of the past. Thanks to her, it is possible to learn from the mistakes of the past.
By analyzing these errors, we can avoid them in the future. For example, by analyzing the effects of the atomic bombs in Japan, it will be possible to prevent such cruel acts in the future.

This is another of the important reasons that serve to explain why it is important to study history.

To follow
Today we follow a lifestyle very different from that of yesteryear, and many practices that were followed in the past have long been forgotten.

However, we can continue to perform certain practices such as yoga or meditation to lead a healthy life. Without a doubt, this could be very important.

To shape our future
Although history is the study of the past, it helps us to shape the present. It helps us to know how the past helped us, and how we can shape the future.

In addition, we ourselves contribute every day to generate history. Obviously, this is a compelling reason why it is important to study history.

To progress
If we have a basic understanding of inventions and discoveries made in the past, it will be easier for us to develop new things instead of starting from scratch. Hence the importance of studying history.

People live in the present. They plan and worry about the future. However, history is the study of the past.
Considering the pressures we are under living in the present and anticipating what is to come, why worry about what happened in the past?

What is history for
Your advocates must explain why it is worth paying attention to. The most widely accepted subjects (and history is certainly one of them) attract certain people who simply like the information and the ways of thinking that it entails.

However, people who are less spontaneously drawn to this subject and who have more doubts about why it is important to study history need to know what its purpose is.

Robert Saunders Teacher - Historians don't do heart transplants, improve highway design, or arrest criminals.
In a society that expects (as it should) that education will serve useful purposes, the functions of history may seem more difficult to define than those of engineering or medicine. However, history is very useful.

Robert Saunders Teacher - Importance of Studying History

By Robert Saunders Teacher - Robert lee Saunders teacher qld

Robert Saunders Teacher - Importance of Studying History

It is necessary to study history to understand, to change and to know how the society in which we live has come to exist. This is one of the main justifying factors for what history is for and why it is important. The importance of studying history is in the knowledge of our past. Know how countries, oceans, mountains, rivers, valleys, plains were formed ... Know how we evolved. Isn't this important?

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