
global art network

locally curated art that can be purchased globally

The Tone

  • art everywhere
  • art for real folks
  • art for everyone, everywhere
  • locally curated art purchased globally
  • open when the doors are closed

Target Audience

  • Tourists
    • They buy the art, corta handles shipping logistics.
  • Visitors of coffee shops
  • Art collectors
  • Stock traders

At Its Core: What is it?

corta is a mobile app that opens a new channel for purchasing/bidding on art. Initial development and marketing goals will focus on artwork that appears in coffee shops around the globe.

Key Features

  1. Enhancing existing art purchase funnel
  2. Tool that promotes recognition of local artists 
  3. Business analytics related to curated local art
  4. Better market perspective
  5. Platform to discover underground (outside of museums) artists and art globally
  6. Art is refreshed as curators see fit. 

Key Goals

  1. Quick purchasing
  2. Manage shipping logistics as needed
  3. Develop an app that is fun, simple and easy to navigate
  4. Capture important analytics at the onset
  5. Target successful markets

Potential Features

  • Realtime bidding
  • Similar artists in other locations
  • Follow shop and updated art notifications
  • Artist and art recommendations
  • Achievable discounts based on visits and purchases
  • Sharing (post purchase to Twitter, Instagram, etc.)
  • After purchase marketplace (see next slide)

After Purchase Marketplace

The idea here is to allow users who purchased a work of art via corta to resell it quickly and easily. This gives users  the opportunity to keep their collection fresh and opens the door to more revenue opportunities for corta.


Logistics to figure out:

  • Marketplace purchasing funnel
  • Shipping
  • Conflict resolution

Analytics (The Data)

  • Popular styles of art by location?
  • What is the right price to sell specific types of art?
  • Where is art selling? Why?
  • Geolocated art with geolocated prices.
  • Who is the primary purchaser of art?
  • What's the best time to sell art? 
  • Who is the most popular underground artist based on dollars spent?



By Rob Sawyer


the global art network

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