World of Lorecraft

A crash course in WoW's Universe

Quick Notes

What is World of Warcraft?

  • A MMORPG launched in 2004 by Blizzard Entertainment
  • Is avaible in all world
  • Is currently in version 7.2.0, in World of Warcraft: Legion
  • It is used around the world as a helper for some mental illness
  • There are many academic publications in diverse areas about WoW's applications and such.


  • WoW comics
  • Novels
  • WoWWiki
  • In-game Lore
  • WoWhead
  • World of Warcraft Chronicles: Volume I

Some of what I say is subject to change

A lot to cover


How the universe came to be

Before life even began, before the cosmos took shape, there was Light...and there was Void. Unfettered by the confines of time and space, the Light swelled accross all existence in form of a boundless, prismatic sea. Great torrents of living energy flitted trough its mirroed depths, their movements conjuring a symphony of joy and hope.

- WoW Chronicles

  • The birth of the Void


  • The genesis of the physical universe


The Great Dark Beyond

Also known as Great Dark, Great Beyond, Dark Beyond or simply Beyond

The Twisting Nether

Outside of the physical universe, but breaching into it

This clash of energies would also send shard of light into world, seeding life and giving birth to a wondrous and terrifing amount of creatures.

The most common form of life in that time were the elemental spirits, primordial beings of earth, fire, water and air. This creatures were native to nearly every physical world.

The Naaru

  • Made of pure Light
  • Saw an universe of infinity possiblities
  • Vowed to use their mastery over holy magic to spread hope and nurture life wherever they could find it

Even more extraordinary than the Naaru were the colossal titans...

The Titans

  • Their spirit, known as world-souls formed deep into de fiery core of a very small number of worlds.
  • For ages they slumbered, their energies suffinsing the celestial bodies they inhabitated.
  • When the titans finally awoke, they did so in the form of living worlds. Cosmic winds howled accros their gigantic forms, bodies shrouded in a cloak of stardust, their skin crisscrossed with silvery mountain peaks and oceans shimmering with latent Light

With eyes that shone like brilliant stars, they observed the fledging cosmos and became enraptured by its mysteries. Whereas the Naaru set out to safeguard life, the titans embarked on a different journey. They wandered the distant corners of the Great Dark, searching for others of their kind.

This grand, far reaching journey would one day alter the shape of all living things

The Titans and the Ordering of the Universe

No one knows why the first titan awoke, but legends hold that his name was Aman'Thul

  • He was alone, but he knew that others like him existed
  • He explored the Great Dark, searching for more titans
  • It was an arduos and lonely journey, but it was fullfilling
  • In time, he found more nascent world-souls, wich he nurtured and roused then from slumber.


  • Those who awoke devoted themselves to his noble search


Aman'Thul and his siblings later became known as The Pantheon

The Pantheon


Highfather of the Pantheon


Defender of the Pantheon


Lieutenant of the Might Sargeras


The Lifebinder


The Shaper and Forger of Worlds


Keeper of Celestial Magics and Lore


Lord of Skies and Roaring Oceans

  • They knew that they were incredible powerful


  • They were benevolent by nature, aligned to order and stability


  • Bound themselves to a code of temperance towads the civilizations that they found

The search for more Titans

  • At each world they would employ techniques to verify the existence of a world-soul:
  1. They would pacify the raging elemental populations
  2. Reshape the world, forming great mountains, fathomless seas, and roiling skies
  3. Seed life-forms across the newly ordered world.


  • With that they hope to call forth the world-soul and help it to mature
  • To help secure the planets they visited they empowered the races of the world, to make sure that the planet was not undone
  • They also built colossal machines to monitor and, if needed, obliterate the world that would sucumb to disorder
  • Also, to aid the Pantheon, Aman'Thul called upon a race of celestial beings caled Constellar.

The Constellar

  • These Celestial beings would observe the worlds ordered by the titans, staying vigilant for any sign of instability.


  • If necessary, the constellar could initiate a fail-safe sequence to "reset" the world
  • For many years the titans kept searching for more world-souls, but fewer and fewer were found


  • Even so, they knew that as far as the epochs of exploration that they did where many, they still had only touched a little portion of the creation

As the titans where busy with bringing life and order to the universe, they were unaware of a big threat, that was also hard working on its own goals...

The Void Lords and the birth of the Old Gods

As the cosmos came to be, dark spirits, shapeless, knowing only eternal hunger, from withing the Void sought to twist reality into a realm of eternal torment.


This spirits, know as the Void Lords had long watched the titans in their journey and were envious of their power, so they tried to make the titans instruments of their will.

To achieve this goal they struggled to manifest in the physical universe. As they did, their energies sepped into reality, warping some of the unsuspecting denizens of creation.


Yet, the titans proved to be invunerable to the Void Lords corruption, so instead the started to focus in corrupting the titan in its most vunerable state, when it was dormant as a world-soul.

Just like the titans, the Void Lords didn't knew wich of the world had a slumbering soul inside. Thus, they pooled their dark power into being that we know as Old Gods.


The Void Lords hurled an unkown number of them into the physical world, corrupting anything that they touched for their creator's plan.

The titans were aware that the Void existed, but knew nothing about the Void Lords and their minions


They also didn't knew about their existence because they have something else to worry about, the threat of the demons

The rise of the Demons

Just like in the Great Dark Beyond, life had appeared in the Twisting Nether, born from the eternal clash between Light and Void


This beings, lately know as demons embraced their furious passion, and where dedicated to push the bounderies of their power, no matter the cost

Was not long before this aberrations clawed teir way to the physical realm, terrorizing mortal civilizations and bringing ruin in their path

This demons could come in many shapes and forms

Sargeras and Aggramar

For ages Sargeras traveled and fought in worlds under the attack of demons


As some demons knew how to use fel magic Sargeras found some that had learned how to yeld Void energies, directly from the Void Lords


This Void Lords where far more powerful than the demons, and their presence troubled Sargeras

In his many battles, he started to find some demons that he had already vanquished


What he didn't knew is that a demon can only be really killed in the Twisting Nether, or in areas of the Great Dark Saturated with its chaotic energies


All he knew is that his tactics where uneffective

He decided to build a prison for them, so they would no longer fight


With the aid of Aggramar, sent by the Pantheon to help Sargeras, he learned how to manipulate the fel energies of the Nether, and made a prision within it, known as Mardum


Mardum was an impregnable pocket dimension where nothing could escape

With that the titan worlds prospered, and life flourihed in the universe

The Will of the Void

As the Pantheon kept looking for more titan souls, Sargeras and Aggramar still fighting the demons incursions in our realm


They agreed that to cover a large area, they would need to split up and if need be, they could call upon each other

Sargeras then, discovered a world infected by the Old Gods and heir corruption.


But that was not any world, it was a world with a slumbering world-soul inside.

He heard the world-soul dreaming within it's core, but this were not the joyous and betiful dreams Sargeras recognize, this were dark, and horrifing nightmares

Some of the Nathrezim had also discovered this world, and basked in the Old Gods power.


Sensing their evil, Sargeras captured and interrogated the demons, that todl him what they had learned about the Old Gods and the will of the Void Lords

If the power of the Void suceeded in corrupting the world-soul, it would awake as an unspeaking dark creature. No power in creation, not even the titans could stand against it. In time, the warped titan would consume all matter and energy in the universe, bringing every mote of existence under the Void Lords' will

Sargeras, the undefeated champion of the Pantheon, knew fear for the first time.

With his heart ached with sorrow and sadness, he turned his attention to the black world, for he knew that was only one way to stop the corruption and the dark titan from rising

Sargeras hurried back to the Pantheon, summoning Aggramar to his side.


Before the Pantheon he explained what he had discovered, stunning the other Pantheon members


But more than terrified by the reality, they were angry with Sargeras rash action and such drastic measures

Apart from Aggramar, none of the Titans had firsthand knowledge of the demons and the Void, they could never understand the horror that their corruption could be



Only by burning all existence we can stop the Void Lords

In Sargeras mind, it was better a lifeless universe than a universe bend to the Void Lords will

Overcome with the despair and the feeling of betrayal Sargeras stormed away from the Pantheon. He knew that his kin would never se reason. And if they would not listen to him and help, he would do it by himself...

Primordial Azeroth

Up next

World of Lorecraft

By Robson Cruz

World of Lorecraft

Part I of the lore of the World of Warcraft Universe

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