DockerCon 2016
Random Facts
- 4,000+ attendees
- Held at Washington State Convention Center in Downtown Seattle
- Bonus fact: The conference was planned in VM3!
Docker For Mac/Windows
- In the past: Had to have VirtualBox installed on your machine
- Now: you can now run containers on OSX/Windows w/out VirtualBox
- How: Uses a technology called xhyve, which is a lighweight VM for OSX, to run Alpine Linux, which hosts the containers
Docker Swarm
- Problem: How do you manage many containers spread across many nodes? Orchestration
- In the past: Had to use a 3rd party tool like Kubernetes
- Now: Latest Docker beta (1.1.2) comes with Swarm Mode
- Provides very simple command-line API for complex orchestration
Talk: Docker For New Dev Setup
- Problem: New developer on job and need to get started working easily
- Solution: Docker for Mac + docker-compose
- Can live debug code within a container and push change to staging server via Docker Cloud
Talk: Persistent Data Patterns
(Joyent - Casey Bisson)
- Keep app secrets in vault (recommends HashiCorp vault)
- Minimize cost of schema changes by breaking schema into de-coupled microservices
- Upgrade DB by adding new replicas and removing existing replicas
Talk: Refactoring Legacy App To Docker
(Apcera - Josh Ellithorpe)
- Understand where your concerns are and use tools to validate decisions
- Best practices:
- Consuming services from service discovery system
- Clean startup and shutdown
Talk: Making Friendly Microservices
(Michele Titolo - CapitalOne)
- Microservice:
- A small service that does one thing well
- Own their own data - What makes a micro service helpful?
- Documentation
- Monitoring Tools
- Logging
unique ID per request
unique ID per request
Talk: Making Friendly Microservices
(Michele Titolo - CapitalOne)
Tool: Atlas
- Netflix system for metrics gathering for micro-services
- Send it CPU usage, latency, memory consumption, and it returns insights into how these metrics are impacting your service
Talk: Making Friendly Microservices
(Michele Titolo - CapitalOne)
Tool: Zipkin
- Latency tracking / request throughout micro-service architecture
Talk: Making Friendly Microservices
(Michele Titolo - CapitalOne)
Micro-service Best Practices
- Consistent error messaging
- Use one base URL for everything
- consumers should not know they are hitting a micro service
- Micro-services are an implementation detail, so need to expose this to a consumer
Talk: Making Friendly Microservices
(Michele Titolo - CapitalOne)
Micro-service Best Practices
- Don't take Single responsibility too far!
- Some pieces are just to inter-connected
- Don't take Single responsibility too far!
Talk: Serveless Docker
(Ben Firshman - CapitalOne)
- Taking serverless concept of AWS Lambda and applying to Docker Containers - running small code snippets within containers on-demand
- CLI-tool that allows you to type in function, spins up a Docker container in Docker-Swarm, and returns output when complete
DockerCon 2016
By Rohit Kalkur
DockerCon 2016
- 1,601