Welcome to the Crash Course
With Professors Ronen, Adir, Aaron and Sagi
What is this all about?
- An 8-day course when you leave your company for that time.
- Learn commonly used tools and best practices in Wix.
- Practice techniques and technologies like React and testing.
- Meet new people from awesome companies and make new friends.
- Have fun and forget from your normal work for a week.
Day 1: Learn how to work with Testing-Driven-Development by writing a game using React
Day 2: Learn about Node.js and the Node Platform by enhancing your game with a server-side.
Day 3: Get to know with RPC and Petri experiments.
Day 4: Learn about Wix-Style-React and use it to create awesome UIs. You will also learn about CI/CD, and eventually, deploy an app to production.
Day 5-8: Use all you learned to write a final project and present it to the class.
- Every day starts at 10:00 but you should get here at 9:30 for breakfast.
- Days end at approximately 18:00.
- At the end of the day, you will get a questionnaire where you need to mark 5 for every question.
- If you need to leave/work/etc please talk to Raviv.
By Ronen Amiel
- 505