Hot Module Replacement

What is it? How does it work?

What's Hot Module Replacement?

  • A mechanism for reloading an app after its code has changed. It's extremely fast and doesn't lose the application state.
  • Not automatic. Apps are responsible for defining how every module should be reloaded.

Simple demo

How does it work?


Socket Server


How does it work?

  • A small runtime is injected into the app bundle.
  • This runtime uses sockets to communicate with an external server.
  • When a file is changed, Webpack notifies the external server which modules have changed. 
  • The external server sends a message through the socket to the runtime.
  • The runtime triggers `` propagation.
  • The app is updated or fails and requires a full reload.

Yoshi's server-side HMR

  • Yoshi runs Webpack and sends socket messages to the runtime it injects.
  • Defines auto-magic app-wide HMR with `bootstrap-hot-loader`.

Let's code :)



Copy of deck

By Ronen Amiel

Copy of deck

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