Rob Purser

Internet of Things

Where did IoT come from?

Internet Everywhere

Cloud Computing

Data Science

Big Data Analytics

Low Cost Sensors

Powerful Low Power Processors

Low Cost Sensors

Powerful Low Power Processors

Internet Everywhere

Cloud Computing

Data Science

Big Data Analytics

Internet Everywhere

Cloud Computing

Data Science

Big Data Analytics

Low Cost Sensors

Powerful Low Power Processors

Internet Everywhere

Cloud Computing

Data Science

Big Data Analytics

Low Cost Sensors

Powerful Low Power Processors

Internet Everywhere

Cloud Computing

Internet of Things

Low Cost Sensors

Powerful Low Power Processors

Data Science

Big Data Analytics

What's the market?

50 Billion

1 Trillion



"We are building the playbook for the new digital industrial world"

--  Jeff Immelt, GE

Why are companies building?

  1. Insight into Hidden Systems
  2. Direct Relationship with End Users
  3. Transform Products into Services


  1. Insight into Hidden Systems
  2. Direct Relationship with End Users
  3. Transform Products into Services


  1. Insight into Hidden Systems
  2. Direct Relationship with End Users
  3. Transform Products into Services
  1. Insight into Hidden Systems
  2. Direct Relationship with End Users
  3. Transform Products into Services

How do they work?

Personal Definition

  1. Multiple smart connected devices geographically distributed
  2. Collects and Analyzes machine generated data from devices
  3. Semi-autonomous reporting and action based on analytics

What challenges do people face?


Load Balancer

Data Aggregator

Smart Devices


Data Analytics

Edge Nodes




Sensor Analytics


Raspberry Pi

Exploratory Analysis






Industry 4.0

Amazon Web Services

Cloud-based Analytics

  • Web Services Engineer
  • Front End Developer
  • Back End Developer
  • DevOps
  • Cloud Service Engineer
  • Database Engineer
  • Embedded Engineer
  • Network Engineer
  • Electrical Engineer
  • Mechanical Engineer
  • Networking Engineer
  • Data Scientist
  • Visualization Specialist
  • Systems Architect

What do we do?

Web Site for People

Web Service for Devices

Web Site for People

  1. Collect
  2. Analyze
  3. Act

Web Service for Devices

Web Site for People

  1. Collect
  2. Analyze
  3. Act

Web Service for Devices

Web Site for People

  1. Collect
  2. Analyze
  3. Act

Web Service for Devices

Web Site for People

  1. Leverage the team you have
  2. Easy On-Ramp to the IoT
  3. Focus on Analytics and IP
  1. Leverage the team you have
  2. Easy On-Ramp to the IoT
  3. Focus on Analytics and IP
  1. Leverage the team you have
  2. Easy On-Ramp to the IoT
  3. Focus on Analytics and IP

What does this mean for instruments and LXI?

  • Generalists over specialists
  • Systems over components
  • Integration over synthesis
  • Efficiency over power
  • Time to market over BOM cost
  • Security
  • Rise of the generalist
  • Open Source Hardware

Generalists over specialists

  • Systems on a chip change everything
  • Custom and semi-custom SoC based on ARM

Systems over components

  • People buy the hard stuff
  • Sensors and Calibration done onboard

Integration over synthesis

  • Battery power is king
  • Disposable devices

Efficiency over power

  • Easy to produce short run products
  • Cost of iteration is very low
  • System level testing is a huge problem
  • Certification (U.L. / FCC) is a challenge

Time to market over BOM cost

  • Sloppy
  • Huge market pressure
  • Optimistic engineers depend on "security by obscurity"



October 2016 LXI IoT Presentation

By Rob Purser

October 2016 LXI IoT Presentation

The Internet of Things is all the rage, but what is it, really? Is it relevant to instrumentation manufacturers and their customers. Should standards like LXI rethink their role in light of it?

  • 691