Number nirvana
Our experiences building a niche product for math nerds.
Who are we?
What's MathHarbor all about?
How did it all start?
Lesson #1
Starting up is good. Being broke, isn't.
lesson #2
What works for you, won't work for your customers/clients/users.
Lesson #3
Experiment now, because experimenting later is a mess.
lesson #4
Think long and hard, about how your product will add value. If you don't come up with definite answers, time to go back to the drawing board.
lesson #5
Incubation, acceleration, seed investments - they're all the same. Money comes and goes. It's the investor that makes a difference.
lesson #6
Pivoting isn't a bad word. The US does it. You can too.
lesson #7
Failure hurts. But regret hurts more.
Number nirvana Our experiences building a niche product for math nerds.