Discover great breweries near you

So many new breweries

  • Breweries are a rich part of American culture, allowing all groups of people to congregate together and have conversations over a relaxing beverage.
  • The popularity of craft beer in the USA has created an explosion of new breweries in metropolitan areas, more than most people can keep track of.
  • How can a beer lover become aware of all the great new breweries around them?

Hoppr helps solve this problem

  • It's an easy-to-use app that allows the user to search a distance radius around a zip code, returning up to five randomly selected breweries.
  • The randomized results help the user learn about new breweries, and also helps encourage them to interact with the app for a longer period of time. 
  • The integrated Google Map allows them to spatially understand where the locations are in relation to their zip code geography.
  • A corresponding results list on the left includes key information such as name, address, and phone number.

Let's check it out!


Technologies used

  1. JavaScript
  2. JQuery
  4. Bootstrap 3
  5. AJAX


  1. Working with the powerful Google Maps API.
  2. Incomplete data returned from BreweryDB.
  3. First time trying to build robust code for a personal project.

Where it's going from here

  1. Mobile-friendly responsiveness.

  2. Auto-geolocation based on device's stored GPS coords.

  3. Making the map zoom in on the area around the brewery marker locations.

Thanks for checking it out!


By sabaatz


  • 418