5 Apps One Code With Ionic


Sani Yusuf

  • Founder Of Haibrid

  • Co-Organiser Of Ionic-UK

  • Paddle Boarding Enthusiast

  • Big Fan Of Avatar Movie



Today I Will Show You

How You Can Create 5 Applications With One Code Base

First We Shall Create ....

An IOS Mobile App

  • Installable From The IOS App Store

  • Will Work On All IOS Devices

  • Will Look & Feel Like A Typical IOS App

An Android Mobile App

  • Installable From The Google Play Store

  • Will Work On All Android Devices

  • Will Look & Feel Like A Typical Android App

An Windows Universal App

  • Installable From The Windows Store

Seriously You Still Make Windows App???

And Last But Not Least.

A Super Web Application

  • Work On Normal Desktop

  • Responsive To Mobile Devices

  • Also Supports The Progressive Web App Initiative

All With A Single Code Base

Let Me Show You


What Is Ionic?

What Ionic Really Is

An open source SDK that lets web developers build mobile applications

It's Really Just Web

Built On Top Of Angular

Fully Featured CLI Tool

  • SASS Compilation
  • Build Bundling
  • Happy Marriage With Cordova
  • Typescript Compilation
  • Scaffolding & Genration
  • Kick Ass Error Reporting

Configurable & Customisable

  • Customise theme with SASS to match your brand
    • Every Feature Is Configurable
      • Component Level
      • Platform Leve
      • Global Level

Awesome Huge Community

  • 30,000+ Stars On Github
  • 13000+ Slack Members
  • Active Forum
  • Global Community With Over 100 Groups

Native Esque Components

  • Performant Components
  • Modelled Off Native SDKs
  • Ionicons Library
  • Semantic & Extensible

        Angular Up

    {{firstName}} {{lastName}}

PWA Ready

  • Offline First
  • Manifest.JSON & Service Worker
  • Full-Screen Mode
  • Home Screen Icon
  • No App Stores
  • Chrome Only For Now

Right To Left Support

  • One Line Activation

  • Affects Orientation Of Components

תל אביב יא חביבי תל אביב

Multi Language Support

  • Leverages ng2-translate Library
  • Support as many languages as your app requires.
  • Also has built in RTL support 

Service Worker

Web App
Service Worker


That Was Awesome

Ionic Cloud

Push Notifications





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Five Apps One Code

By Sani Yusuf

Five Apps One Code

  • 1,928