Third Party Tools For  Ionic

Sani Yusuf

Who Am I ?

Sani Yusuf

  • Mobile Enthusiast
  • Keen Glass Explorer
  • Founder Of Haibrid
  • Writer / Trainer on mobile 
  • I love Avatar (Im even learning Navi)


Finding tools for Hybrid apps is still a pain

Some Great Tools

  • Push

  • Analytics
  • No-Backend
  • Crash
  • IDE
  • Others


Push Woosh

  • Easy Cordova Integration
  • User Friendly Dashboard
  • Generous Free Tier
  • Analytics
  • Strong Segmentation & Filtering
  • I-Beacons
  • Rich Pages
  • Geo-Zones
  • Twitter/RSS Integration

Push Woosh

Urban Airship

  • Very engagement focused
  • Very customisable Cordova Plugin
  • Easy setup
  • Have a reasonable free tier / trial


Auth 0

  • Focused Solely on Auth
  • Has an Ocean of providers
  • Easily extendable e.g Azure
  • Dashboard for user management


  • Probably the most hassle free authentication
  • 2 line auth
  • Supports 3rd party auth providers
  • Available for pretty much every major library 



  • Real Time data storage
  • Easily extendable (Ionics BFF)
  • Generous free tier
  • Data security


  • Complete Suite
  • Real Time channel /pub & subscribe based 

Other no-backend

  • Parse
  • Couchbase (Works Well WIth PouchDB)
  • Appery.IO



  • Really great cordova integration
  • ser recordings
  • Heatmaps
  • Navigation Path
  • Top screens
  • User demographics
  • Funnels




  • Great all round solution
  • Good pricing with nice free tier
  • One central data source
  • Management of apps is easy 
  • Superb support team 
  • Can be used on other platforms like web



  • App-Annie
  • Google Analytics

Other Tools

  • Cloudinary 
  • Stripe
  • Crashlytics
  • Webstorm
  • Visual Studio


  • Ionic Keeps Growing (1milli Apps about a week agooo)
  • Ionic Market
  • Ionic Labs (Mac, Windows Coming Soon)
  • Ionic 2.0
  • Angular Connect




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Third Party Tools For  Ionic

By Sani Yusuf

Third Party Tools For  Ionic

  • 2,141