The Mighty
Silicon Valley!
Thanks to the people who made it happen!
American Culture
Welcome Party!
Met people from
- Netflix
- Amazon - David
- Facebook - Harry
- Airbnb - Leland
Learning at the conference
React Native
is on a roll
To build amazing apps, you need to get down to the native layer
Kotlin is gearing up!
Airbnb is betting on that.
We have Kotlin Native
Things Announced
PayPal & Netflix announced payment integration with React Native
Parashuram talked about Microsoft Mobile Center
Feedback about the Builder
- People were amazed to see Builder in action!
 - From Secret Sources: Looks like Airbnb is building the exact same thing!
 - We have about 50 people in the waiting list for the Builder
Feedback about NativeBase
Somebody said they shipped their app to stores just couple day before coming to the conf which was based on NativeBase
It’s good for prototyping.
They loved Toast and ActionSheet
Somebody said they liked the previous docs better
People need dialog and other components
Took a vacation break!
Lake Tahoe
Drove a speed boat
Took a dive in the second deepest lake in the US
And took the rope ways to the hills
Back to the Valley
Met Randall
from Eike Consulting
The Food-e app client
Neeraj, Shruti S, Bhavish and Varun worked on that
Attended React Wednesday
at Meteor's office
Met the inventor of Apollo Client, suggested some improvements!
The Google HQ
Met Seth Ladd & Yegor
from the Flutter Team
We are being added as a Google Agency
Free Invites to Google Events
Early access to what Google works on
Google loved Builder
Adding support of Flutter to the Builder
"We left a mark
that we are up in the game!"
...and most important
Thank you!
By sanketgeekyants
- 521