Designing for the Job in a Noisy World



In the face of complexity, we often turn to simplicity.

In the face of complexity, we often turn to impose simplicity.

Process(user needs x medium) = 


Properties of Complex Systems 

  • Emergence
  • Non-linearity
  • Limited predictability
  • Evolutionary dynamics
  • Self organisation
  • Large events

(sound familiar?)


A systems behaviour is more than the sum of its parts


  1. Define

2. Locate

3. Prepare

4. Confirm

5. Execute

6. Monitor

7. Modify

8. Conclude



You have no idea what's coming

Limited predictability

You can try and model this stuff, but you might set your computer on fire

Evolutionary dynamics

Users will drive the change

Self organisation

Change doesn't have to come from a central control

Large events

Change can come... and sometimes all at once

If you can't beat them,

involve them.

Design with the system

not just for it

Co design not only builds resilience

it provides opportunities for self-understanding

Thank you!

Designing for the Job in a Noisy World

By FINOkoye

Designing for the Job in a Noisy World

Bulgaria Web Summit 2018

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