Hello, who dis?

Sir Tim Berners-Lee

The creator of the mother-flippen Internet!

Still Kicking


The Goal

Document Sharing Platform of the Future

"What we need to remember, though, is that the Web, as we know it now, is a fleeting thing. [...] The Web will be understood not as screenfuls of text and graphics but as a transport mechanism, the ether through which interactivity happens."

Darcy DiNucci

Print Magazine (1999)

As Delivery Platform

The Akward Phase

The Web

The Akward Phase


Custom Elements

HTML Templates

Shadow DOM

Web Components

Umbrella Term

Custom Elements

HTML Templates

Shadow DOM

Web Components

Shadow DOM

Web Components

HTML Templates

Custom Elements

<div>Hello World!</div>

Native Elements

const element = document.createElement('div')
element.appendChild(document.createTextNode('Hello World'))

console.log(element instanceof HTMLElement) // true


Native Elements

<div>Hello World!</div>
<my-element>Hello World</my-element>

Element Classes

console.log(element instanceof HTMLElement) // true
<hello-world>Look mom, no framework!</hello-world>


const input = createRef<HTMLInputElement>()
<hello-world>I'm a real HTML Element!</hello-world>

// console.log(element instanceof HelloWorld) // true


class HelloWorld extends HTMLElement {
  constructor() { super() }

customElement.define('hello-world', HelloWorld)
const input = createRef<HTMLInputElement>()

Custom Elements

Remember the Hypen

Shadow DOM

Yo Dawg, I heard you like DOM's?

Old-school Iframes

The Golden Age of the Web

Old-school Iframes

The Golden Age of the Web

Shadow DOM


The OG DOM as Puppet Master

Shadow DOM

The OG DOM as Puppet Master

Shadow DOM

const template = document.createElement("template");

template.innerHTML = `
     p { border: 1px solid magenta }

   <h2>Encapsulation Time!</h2>

		I should be the only border, 
		and not be blue


class HelloWorld extends HTMLElement {
  inner = this.attachShadow({ mode: 'closed '})
  constructor() { super() }

  onConnectedCallback() {
    const content = template.content.cloneNode(true);

customElement.define('hello-world', HelloWorld)
  p {
    color: blue;

<h1>Example Page</h1>

<p>I should be blue</p>


  <h2>I'm inside</h2>
  <p>But I'm also blue</p>

<p>I should also be blue</p>

Release the VS Code

React 19 & Web Components

By Schalk Venter

React 19 & Web Components

HTML goes brrrrrrrrrrrr

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