Morphing 3D objects with help of audio inputs

Sustainable Identities

Task: create a visualization which creates a unique identity and runs on tablet


3D part with three.js

  • started with a sphere
  • changed to icosahedron (has fancier name :D)



3D part with three.js

  • add some material (MeshPhongMaterial)
  • add some lights 

3D part with three.js

And it's done :)

3D part with three.js

nope :)

How to create a blob out of the sphere?

f(x) = \int_{-\infty}^\infty \hat f(\xi)\,e^{2 \pi i \xi x} \,d\xi

3D part with three.js

We need something to move the vertex points,

something which is kind of random...

- vertex shaders?

- moving the actual vertex points?

- some "noise"?

3D part with three.js



Perlin noise

"pseudorandom gradient vector"

"it seems random, but it isn't in reality"

Perlin noise

var pattern = [];

function generatePattern() {
	var i = 0;
	for (i; i < 256; i++) {
		pattern[256 + i] = pattern[i];

function createRandomArray(elementNumber, min, max) {
	var nums = [];

	for (var element = 0; element < elementNumber; element++) {
		nums[element] = randomNumber(min, max);

	return nums;

function randomNumber(min, max) {
	return (Math.round((max - min) * Math.random() + min));

Perlin noise

while (l--) {
	v = sphere.geometry.vertices[l];
	if (justCreation !== true) {

		if (tempNoiseArray[l] === undefined) {
			noise = APP.Render.Noise.noise(0.1 * v.x, 0.1 * v.y, 0.1 * v.z);
			tempNoiseArray[l] = noise;
		} else {
			noise = tempNoiseArray[l];

		noise = blobSteps * noise;
	d = 8 + noise;

Perlin noise


A = pattern[X] + Y;
AA = pattern[A] + Z;
AB = pattern[A + 1] + Z;
B = pattern[X + 1] + Y;
BA = pattern[B] + Z;
BB = pattern[B + 1] + Z;

return  lerp(w, lerp(v, lerp(u, grad(pattern[AA], x, y, z),
		grad(pattern[BA], xMinus1, y, z)),
		lerp(u, grad(pattern[AB], x, yMinus1, z),
		grad(pattern[BB], xMinus1, yMinus1, z))),
		lerp(v, lerp(u, grad(pattern[AA + 1], x, y, zMinus1),
		grad(pattern[BA + 1], xMinus1, y, z - 1)),
		lerp(u, grad(pattern[AB + 1], x, yMinus1, zMinus1),
		grad(pattern[BB + 1], xMinus1, yMinus1, zMinus1))));

Perlin noise


Audio part

Now we have something we can use for generating blobs or potatoes.

We need an input method or a generator which will give us "numbers", so we can use them with our Perlin noise creator.

Audio part

Audio part



Morphing 3D objects with help of audio inputs

By Péter Schmíz

Morphing 3D objects with help of audio inputs

Morhping 3D objects with the help of WebGL and Web Audio API. With the release of Android 5 now it’s possible to access the microphone on tablets. The practical use of this technique is showcased in this project.

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