English 4521

Wednesday, January 29 2014

Foucault Follow-Up

Does anyone have any questions about our discussion of Foucault's "Discourse on Language"? 

An example I hand't thought of: Forms.

Let's take a quick look at the final pages. What is he trying to do with methodology at the end of the "Discourse"? 

Harris/Rewriting Chapter one

Let's outline Harris' process for critical reading/responding.

What is "coming to terms"?

What "moves" does one make in coming to terms?

What is the relationship between paraphrase and quotation (for Harris)?

Coming to terms

Define the Project...includes: 

Identify Key Terms and Concepts

Assess Uses and Limits

Kenneth Burke

The basics:

What is Burke's project?

What is identification?
What is consubstantiality?
How is identification different from persuasion?

"Commonplaces" and "Topics"

Burke points to Aristotle's surveying of "commonplaces" and "topics" ...what are they?

What categories does Burke use to differentiate between these things? 

Example... Repetition and Anaphora

Another Example...Climax

How do Topoi, tropes (or Figures of Speech) and identification "work" together?


Any Questions Keith and Lundberg Chapter 4?

What do you think of Burke's "Definition of Man" (50)?

Note: Keith and Lundberg clarify some of our confusion about Aristotle and structured arguments (Enthymemes v. Paradigms). They also go into more detail on Aristotle's "proofs"--Ethos, Pathos, and Logos (37-39).

English 4521

By Scott Rogers