Teaching with Technology

Some thoughts on designing and assessing Digital and Multimodal Writing Assignments

Scott L. Rogers March 25, 2014

all about me

Assistant Professor of Rhetoric and Composition
Ohio Northern University

Ph.D. University of Louisville (2011)

Media Production Background

Writing Teacher/Administrator

Teaching Interests: Connecting New Media with Community, Place, and Professional Development

Who are you?

Take a few minutes to write down:

How you currently use digital technologies for teaching?

If you don't currently use digital technologies, what kinds of things might you like to do?

Workshop Goals

Think about assessment and assignment design in relation to multimodal and digital writing. 

Consider examples of multimodal and digital writing projects .

Apply technologies and assessment plans to current or prospective course assignments (across the disciplines).

This is not an argument for technology

(okay, so maybe it is a little bit)

Key Concern:



WordPress...Open-Source CMS

WeVideo...Web-based editing software

Prezi...Web-based presentation software

Quickly, three rules of thumb

Start with process and assessment first. What do we want students to do or accomplish and how do we plan to determine/measure that they've achieved the goals?

Validate technology but not at the expense of rich, critical thinking and writing.

Students don't know as much as we sometimes think they do.

Structures/systems for assessment

{see your handout for more detail}

National Writing Project

Borton and Huot, 2007

Odell and Katz, 2009

All three models stress the importance of designing assessments with students and encouraging sustained, focused self-assessment.

From Users 
to Makers

Keys to assignment planning : 

Build in plenty of time.

Identify audience and purpose from the start.
Other Audiences...Context-Driven

Start with outcomes...involve students in the assessment planning and review process.

Work from examples; not to replicate but to inspire.


A free, open-source content management system; designed for blogging, but suitable for a range of applications/uses.

Learning Curve
Structure (Pages v. Posts)

Wordpress Assignments

Course Discussion Forums
Digital Articles/Essays

Professional Portfolio: http://scottlrogers.net/
E-Portfolio Example: http://iamcorsica.wordpress.com/
Discussion Board Example: http://engl4521.scottlrogers.net/


www.wevideo.com (video)

Hardware Needs:
Audio Recording*


Video Project Assignments

Digital Storytelling

Mediated Writing (Critical or Creative)

"Dandelion Waltz" by Chris Matejka

Promo Video Assignment

Why Promo Videos?

My Example...Place-branding (see prompt)

What characteristics of "place" promotions do we recognize?
What "works" in the video? What doesn't "work"...and why?
What elements of the production do you think are difficult (i.e. where do you suppose the producers spent their time and money)?
What aspects seem replicable? 

Promo Video Assignment

  • Overall Effectiveness
  • "Translation" of Written Text
  • Clarity of Ideas and Organization
  • Visual Coherence
  • Technical Skill
  • Documentation

Some general suggestions for video making...

Again, get your students involved in setting the terms for success. Create a rubric using course goals and assessment terms:
  • What is the goal of this type/style of video?
  • Who is the desired audience?
  • What conventions or modes typically "work" in this kind of project?
  • What kind of planning needs to be done? How and where do we gather resources? How do we evaluate quality of resources?
  • How can we document and cite media content?


Rigid structure
Assumptions about use/value
Disorienting (...for some)
Learning curve

The trick to using Prezi for something other than presentations is to prioritize spatial over linear organization. Prezi can mimic Powerpoint but it doesn't have to.

Use Prezi for...

Digital Essays on the Cheap
Academic Posters
Mapping (creating and/or analyzing)
Document Analysis/Reflection
Image, Chart, or Diagram Analysis

A brief introduction to


Play around with Wordpress, WeVideo, and/or Prezi. Look at sample projects. Examine outcome heuristics. Consider...

  • How you might adapt or extend an assignment using one of these tools/assignments?
  • What challenges do you expect to face?
  • What specific course learning goals do you want to meet?

Discussion. Comments. Questions.

Contact: s-rogers@onu.edu or scottlrogers77@gmail.com

Teaching and Assess

By Scott Rogers

Teaching and Assess

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