Empowering Student Writers in and beyond the academy: A Statement of Teaching Philosophy

Scott L. Rogers

February 3, 2014

What I do...

How I do it...

Why I do it this way...

What I do...

"Moves"-based Writing
Bridging Academic and Non-Academic Discourses
Rhetorical Foundations
Risk and Failure

How I do it...

The Iceberg Principle
Low and Slow
"Your First Draft is 
Your Worst Draft"

Thematic Course Design


New Media Technologies

Public Projects and Community engagement

Writing workshops and reflection

WhY i do It this way...

Critical Pedagogy


Dissertation/Community Writing

The questions that keep me up...

How do I encourage critical, intellectual work and "play" or risk-taking in student writing?

How do I foster an empowering and accessible learning environment while emphasizing a rhetorical awareness for detail and audience expectation?

How do I encourage students to see productive convergences between their social, professional, and academic lives?

Thanks. Questions?

Scott L. Rogers

WFU Teaching Phil

By Scott Rogers