Sagas in React

Sebastian Siemssen (@thefubhy)

Engineering Lead at Amazee Labs

The main goal

Learn how to properly manage side effects in your application.

Learn useful patterns for e.g. error handling with retry / recovery, optimistic updates, throttling / debouncing, etc.

Side effects in React


Sagas in Redux


Sagas are generator functions

Sagas yield effects

Effects are captured and executed in the middleware


An object describing an operation to be executed.

Effect helpers

Functions provided by the library that format effects.

Effect helpers

take - waits for an action

put - submits a redux action

call - performs a blocking call

fork - performs a non-blocking call

join - wait for forked calls

cancel - cancels a previously forked task

select - select data from the store


Throttling and Debouncing

Data fetching

Optimistic update

Some popular software design patterns and methodologies

Domain Driven Design

Advocates modeling your data and code based on the reality of business as relevant to your use cases.


Improves communication between the business and software team through an ubiquitous language.


Improves readability and testability.

Command / Query Responsibility Segregation

States that every method should either be a command that performs an action, or a query that returns data, but not both.


If you have a return value you cannot mutate state. If you mutate state your return type must be void.

Traditional CRUD vs CQRS

Event Sourcing

Persist events instead of data and calculate projections from the events instead of reading a persisted state.

Event Sourcing

Transient state

Never delete any data

Keep all events

Resembles the way you interact with data / state

Can “go back in history”

Can cater for future business requirements (different projections)

Analytics & Forensics

Current state depends on perspective (what do you want to know?)

Sagas in React

By Sebastian Siemssen

Sagas in React

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