Partial acts as enablers of shared embodied rationality

Sébastien Lerique & Tom Froese

CILC5 2021

On the need for system-level study

Partial acts

Emerging agreement on what it is to share presence with another person

Control ↔ vulnerability

a.k.a. Complex Systems

Rationality → utility → game theory

Savage (1952), The Foundation of Statistics

Simon (1957), A Behavioral Model of Rational Choice

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CC BY LSE 2021

The American Economic Review (2003)

Axioms for a mathematically tractable Decision Theory (including indifference to scale)

⇒ A unique utility function can represent preferences

Reliance on heuristics

Costs of gathering and processing information

Multi-valued utility functions

Heuristics of judgement

Risky choice

Framing effects

Perceptual Crossing Paradigm

Guddu1996, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

There are no unobtrusive motion-tracking tools to assess real-time social interaction dynamics (Schilbach 2019)

Real-life social functioning is driven by basic social interactive capacities

Participants co-regulate their interaction with few constraints

The experimenter can control the way participants can couple to each other

Learning perceptual crossing

Learning perceptual crossing

Learning perceptual crossing

Perceptual Awareness through Partial Acts

Froese, Iizuka & Ikegami (2014): “Embodied Social Interaction Constitutes Social Cognition in Pairs of Humans: A Minimalist Virtual Reality Experiment.” Scientific Reports

Number of joint successes, single successes, and wrong clicks

Average turn-taking

PAS Experience of other's presence
1 No experience
2 Ambiguous
3 Almost clear
4 Clear experience

Timing for active and passive touch

Kojima, Froese, Oka, Iizuka & Ikegami (2017): “A Sensorimotor Signature of the Transition to Conscious Social Perception: Co-Regulation of Active and Passive Touch.” Frontiers in Psychology

Froese, Iizuka & Ikegami (2014): “Embodied Social Interaction Constitutes Social Cognition in Pairs of Humans: A Minimalist Virtual Reality Experiment.” Scientific Reports

Partial acts of oscillations

Lerique & Froese, in prep.

Wrapping up

Froese, Zapata-Fonseca, Leenen & Fossion (2020): “The Feeling Is Mutual: Clarity of Haptics-Mediated Social Perception Is Not Associated With the Recognition of the Other, Only With Recognition of Each Other.” Frontiers in Human Neuroscience


Bounded Rationality

Shared Embodied Rationality

Thank you!

©2021 Stephen Estelle

©2021 Maria Gohlke

CILC5 - Partial acts as enablers of shared embodied rationality

By Sébastien Lerique

CILC5 - Partial acts as enablers of shared embodied rationality

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