Daniela Matos de Carvalho
Software Engineer @Dashlane, mother, photographer amateur, former @requirelx organiser, prev @YLDio, @zpx_interactive
Daniela Matos de Carvalho
Braga.js - Jan, 2018
Lets try to apply for a disability badge
"Pode também fazer o pedido de cartão de estacionamento
através dos Serviços On-line do IMT."
(...yada yada yada yada)
("you can also apply for a blue badge using the IMT online services")
"Pode também fazer o pedido de cartão de estacionamento
através dos Serviços On-line do IMT."
(...yada yada yada yada)
After login with credentials...
because everybody knows they're check digit, right?
after registering it sends an email
to confirm your registration
Hello <user>,
Welcome to IMT online. To validate please insert the code 12349fgfh-3454fd-s4fb
<input id="auth-imt" type="checkbox" checked="true"/>
<label for="auth-imt">Authorization to be contacted by IMT</label>
Button w/ link for
a validation page?
Recover password on Vodafone's website
RTP play
Windows wanted to do a 2018 update
[on hover menus]
how we can create a pretty pretty website with
non accessible content if we're not careful
on hover menus
...are starting to disappear!
...are starting to disappear!
on hover menus
always have "alt" attrs for images,
<img width="696" height="463" class="entry-thumb td-animation-stack-type0-1" src="..." srcset="..." sizes="..."
alt="" title="nintchdbpict0003290301282">
always have "alt" attrs for images,
VoiceOver captions
captions help
captions help
Wierd Edit?
Try VoiceOver on MacOS,
JAWS on Windows,
or another screen reader
Note: its now possible to fix color contrast using Chrome dev tools help!
(NoCoffee extension)
Screen readers do it in different ways
Gov.uk decided to use colon for the prev/next problem
lynx browser
Daniela Matos de Carvalho
Braga.js - Jan, 2018
By Daniela Matos de Carvalho
Software Engineer @Dashlane, mother, photographer amateur, former @requirelx organiser, prev @YLDio, @zpx_interactive