SQL Server 2017 on Linux

Stéphane Fréchette

 Data Platform Solution Architect @ Microsoft

twitter: @sfrechette | blog: stephanefrechette.com

A must read...

Let's Get Started!

Install Linux

Install Linux on a physical machine or a virtual machine (VM)


Or create and use a pre-configured Linux VM in Azure. There is also a VM image with SQL Server vNext CTP2.0 already installed, see Create a Linux SQL Server 2017 virtual machine with the Azure portal

SQL Server on Linux

Supported platforms (installation guide)

Install SQL Server

SQL Server on Linux

Install SQL Server tools

sqlcmd: Command-line query utility

bcp: Bulk import-export utility


Optional Packages

SQL Server on Linux

Install SQL Server Agent

Run scheduled SQL Server jobs


Optional Packages

SQL Server on Linux

Install SQL Server Full-Text Search

full-text queries against character-based data


Optional Packages

SQL Server on Linux


Connect and query

SQL Server on Linux

Connect using sqlcmd on Linux

# On your Linux box, open a command terminal
# Run sqlcmd with parameters for your SQL Server name (-S), the user name (-U), and the password (-P)

# The following command connects to the local SQL Server instance (localhost) on Linux
sqlcmd -S localhost -U SA -P '<YourPassword>'

# Connect to a remote instance, specify the machine name or IP address for the -S parameter
sqlcmd -S -U SA -P '<YourPassword>'

SQL Server on Linux

Query SQL Server

--Returns the name of all of the databases
SELECT Name from sys.Databases;

--Create a database using the SQL Server default settings

--Use the database
USE Sandbox;

--Create a table in the current database
CREATE TABLE product (id INT, name NVARCHAR(50), quantity INT);

--Insert some data 
INSERT INTO product VALUES (1, 'Bottle', 250);
INSERT INTO product VALUES (2, 'Hat', 95);
INSERT INTO product VALUES (3, 'Shirt', 128);

--Select from the table
SELECT * FROM product WHERE quantity > 100;

--End your sqlcmd session, type QUIT

SQL Server on Linux

Visual Studio Code


  • Download and install VS Code on your machine
  • Install the mssql extension
    1. Press CTRL+SHIFT+P (or F1) to open the Command Palette in VS Code (for macOS the Command key is equivalent to the CTRL key on Linux and Windows)
    2. Select Install Extension and type mssql
    3. Click install mssql


SQL Server on Linux

Use SQL Server Management Studio



SQL Server on Linux

Use SQL Server Data Tools









*SSDT 17.0

SQL Server on Linux


SQL Server on Linux


SQL Server on Linux


SQL Server on Linux

Business continuity

Support high-availability and disaster recovery


SQL Server on Linux


SQL Server on Linux currently has the following limitations:

  • Only SQL Server authentication is currently available.
  • A standard password policy is provided. MUST_CHANGE is the only option you may configure.
  • Extensible Key Management is not supported.
  • Using keys stored in the Azure Key Vault is not supported.
  • SQL Server generates its own self-signed certificate for encrypting connections. Currently, SQL Server cannot be configured to use a user provided certificate for SSL or TLS.


Get started with security features of SQL Server on Linux


SQL Server on Linux

Optimize Performance

Not unique or specific to Linux, but worth exploring:

(Works in SQL Server on Linux!)

  • Create a Columnstore Index
  • Use In-Memory OLTP
  • Use Query Store
  • Query Dynamic Management Views




SQL Server on Linux


SQL Server on Linux offers a broader range of choice for all organizations, not just those who want to run SQL on Windows. It enables SQL Server to run in more private, public, and hybrid cloud ecosystems, to be used by developers regardless of programming languages, frameworks or tools.




SQL Server on Linux


SQL Server on Linux

That's all Folks!

Thank you...

SQL Server on Linux

By Stéphane Fréchette

SQL Server on Linux

SQL Server on Linux - SQL Server vNext CTP 2.1 [June 2017]

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