Analysing 3 Digipaks

Researching Ancillary Products


What I Will Be Looking At?

I will be looking at what makes a good digipak and the similarities across all 3 that I look at.


This means that I will focus on details like colour, text, whether the artists brand image is incorporated and layout.


This will help me create an effective digipak for 'PKaur Blue' - our artist. 


All 3 of these digipaks are similar to what we are looking to create - either we like the idea of the text, the layout, the colour scheme or it is of the same genre as our artists. 


Also, I will develop a deeper understanding as to what is needed to promote and advertise an artist successfully. 


This digipak links to ideas I have for my own work as it has a large picture of the artist on the front make her the center of the audiences attention.


Another thing I feel I can use in my own work is the location of texts; all the texts are large and visible, easy for somewhat to spot in a shop and pick up.

Also, the text isn't plain and boring which insinuates to the audience that the artists music is up beat and fun. The style of text and colour scheme can make the audience more aware of what genre this artist is in just by looking at the cover. 


The consistency of the colour scheme is something I plan to incorporate into my own work.

My artist is called 'PKaur Blue' and has blue hair which is part of her brand image. This means it is essential for me to emphasize that on my digipak so our target audience are drawn to it and know exactly who its is. 

The only thing I don't like is the style and size of the text.

It is all spread out which could make people read it as 'L.O.U.D' rather than just 'LOUD'. It is also thin writing and would stand out more and be highly effective if it was in a bold font.


This one follows typical conventions of a digipak as the artist is the center of attention on the cover and the artists name and album name is clear and of large font. The thing that I plan to interpret into my own work inspired by this album cover is the plain background and brightly coloured image of the artist. This will suggest to the audience that their genre of music is fun and represents a party image which links to 'PKaur Blue' and her genre of drum n bass.


Unfortunately, drum n bass is a genre that is fairly new compared to most genres of music. It became apparent in the late 80's and 90's as popular music for those that participated in raves. Most drum n bass artists don't release albums,  but only release individual tracks either on iTunes, YouTube or SoundCloud. 


Because of this,  their are not a lot digipaks of the drum n bass genre. This meant that I had to look at other artists digipaks for other genres that are similar and analyse the similarities and differences in order to see what would be expected of my digipak.


This task has given me plenty of inspiration for my own work and will help me to create a successful piece of advertisement. By researching other pieces of work I can gather a better understanding of what a digipak needs and effectively be able to link it to specific genres and the artists brand image.

Large image of artist to establish she is the main focus of the album.

Include links to brand image, the blue hair, put it on the back cover as the front cover should show her face.

Large font, different font for the album name and artists name to distinguish a difference between the two. This will help the audience know which is which. However, the style of font should be consistent throughout the digipak.

Plain background, keeps focus on the artist (considering my artist has bright coloured hair and in the images we took she is wearing a bright patterened jacket - keeping it simple wont overcrowd the cover and distract the target audience from the artist).

Font style should not only be visible, but a clear style of font which people are able to read even from a short distance away.




Analysing 3 Digigpaks

By Shannon Logan

Analysing 3 Digigpaks

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