Reflection on Progress

What I have developed on since my previous skills development assessment.


One thing I have always stated that I am not strong on is editing. Over the course of this year, I have gradually learnt to use Final Cut Pro properly and effectively edit a music video. I now know how to cut shots properly, mark some shots, render the work, and add the base tracks so that they are in sync with the actual song. 


My blogging is quite detailed in analysing the work we have done. I have tried to use technologies like prezi and, however I could use more to bring my grade up.

I have added blogs throughout the editing process so that it is clear at what stage I am at. 


Filming is something I struggled with this year in the beginning as some of the shots were jumpy and Jaya's face came out of frame, especially when walking backwards to film her walking. 


By Shannon Logan


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