Sustainable Architecture
Topalov Alex 2017
Who am I
Who am I
Wot r u talkin bout
It's not about perfect plane
And not about flying chair
Not even about microservices
It's about all of that
How often you hear a phrase:
We are starting this project today and expecting to shut it down in 3 weeks
People want to solve a problem
(internal and external)
One of the hardest things in software architecture is to draw a line in business logic
You get simplicity by finding slightly more sophisticated building block
— Alan Kay
Database Driven Development
When transaction completed transfer 10% of it amount from payee balance to payer balance
— Business
Example 1:
We need to track type of transactions, assuming all with positive balance are 'loan' with negative are 'credit'
— Business
Users should be able to name uploaded images
— Business
Example 2:
I really want to enter full description of this mysterious painting.
— User
Datastore(s) just store artifacts of a business process
Separate Persistence from a Business logic
Users should be able to see their statistic when they view analytics
— Business
Example 3:
oh BTW, we also need it in CSV and XML format
— Business
We also want to send this to our Marketing partners.
— Business
Segregate interfaces from a Business logic
Simple != Easy
Fat Controller, thin Model
Thin Controller, fat Model
Thin Controller, thin Model, Service Objects in between
High Cohesion
Low Coupling
Dependencies Direction
Business Contexts
Metcalfe's law
LOC < 5000
- Goliath
- Plain ruby file
- eventmachine
- Rake app
5000 < LOC < 15000
- Sinatra
- Grape
15000 < LOC < 35000
- Rails
- Hanami
LOC > 35000
- It's not a Rails anymore
- But maybe still a Hanami
- Trailblazer
- DRY.rb
No-one has more context about your application than you are
Gems are dependecies
The only conditional that you should have is what object to use
The End
Topalov Alex 2017
Sustainable Architecture
By Alex Topalov
Sustainable Architecture
- 1,330