D3 tutorial

Sheng Long


What this tutorial will cover 

  • D3.js -- what is it and why do we use SVG  
  • select, modify, data join 
  • scales, axes, margins 
  • transitions, tooltips, event listeners and handlers

What is D3.js?

  • Originally developed by Michael Bostock and co-authors in paper, D3: Data Driven Documents
  • It is a JavaScript library for producing dynamic, interactive data visualizations in web browsers
  • It uses Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) (→ requires web browsers that support SVGs)
  • Good for customization, animation, and interaction


  • Images can either be raster graphics or vector graphics
  • Examples of raster graphic: JPG, PNG, BMP
    • Specifies how each individual pixel should be rendered
  • Example of vector graphic: SVG
    • Specified instructions for drawing the image
      • knowing the structure and syntax makes it possible to use a text editor to change the image


  • SVG is an open web strandard that uses a structured text format (XML) for rendering vector graphics
  <defs id="mydefinedLineID"/>
  <g id="horz_line">
      d="M 100 100 L 300 100"

This is what code for a black line looks like

editing style directly allows us to change image directy

D3 and SVG

  • D3 can make stylistic and attribute changes to the shapes being drawn, using function calls
  • In order to manipulate SVG elements, D3 uses selectors to target specific components of the document for change

Getting started with D3 

<!DOCTYPE html>
        <script src="http://d3js.org/d3.v6.min.js"></script>
    <div id="content"></div>

Selecting elements

  • This can be done using d3.select() or d3.selectAll():
    • d3.select only selects the first matching element
    • d3.selectAll selects all matching elements in document order
  • Sub-selections are allowed, e.g., d3.selectAll("p").select("b")
  • For more, refer to d3 selections.
  • After selecting elements, we can use the selection to modify the elements by using selection.attr() or selection.style()

 For example, change the background red 

d3.select(document.body).style("background", "red");

Or: make a clicked paragraph red

d3.selectAll("p").on("click", (event) => d3.select(event.currentTarget).style("color", "red"));

Other functions used with selections

  • Elements can be added to a selection's elements using D3's .append and .insert methods.
  • Elements can be removed using .remove.
  • The .each method lets you call a function for each element of a selection.
  • The .call method allows a function to be called into which the selection itself is passed as the first argument.

    • .call is useful where you want a reusable function that operates on a selection.

  • There are also filtering .filter and sorting .sort methods 

  • A data join creates a correspondence between an array of data and a selection of HTML or SVG elements.
  • The general pattern for creating a data join is:

1. Select #content and add svg element with g container element to it: 


2. Join an array of data set to circles and add it to the SVG element 


Observe there is nothing because the circles don't have any attributes. 



Reading data

There are four methods for loading data: d3.csv(), d3.json(), d3.tsv(), d3.xml(). We'll use d3.csv() for this tutorial. 

  • We can read a local CSV (comma-separated value) file 
  • Or request a file hosted online (e.g. gapminder)

Typically we have arrays of objects (rather than arrays of numbers) that we need to join with the visual elements. D3 can request a CSV file and transform it into an array of objects.

Typical format for requesting data: 

url = "..." 
d3.csv(url).then(function(data) { console.log(data) }); 
  • d3.csv accepts the URL as its first parameter and returns a promise object.
  • When the browser receives the requested data, the promise is fulfilled and the function that's passed into the promise's .then method is called.
    • The main thing to remember is to pass a callback function into the .then method. The callback method is called when the file arrives. Its first parameter is the data.

Requesting data

  • D3 interprets data as strings, so it's a good practice to convert them as soon as you have the data 

Scales and Axes


  • Scales map a dimension of abstract data to a visual representation
  • Typical examples include
    • linear scale for quantitative data
    • log scale for quant data with a wide range
    • time scale for time-series data
    • ordinal scale for categorial or ordinal data
    • band scale for categorical or ordinal data as a position encoding

Linear scales

Linear scales map a continuous, quantitative input domain to a continuous output range using a linear transformation (translate and scale).

To apply a position encoding:

const x = d3.scaleLinear([10, 130], [0, 960]);
x(20); // 80
x(50); // 320

To apply a color encoding:

const color = d3.scaleLinear([10, 100], ["brown", "steelblue"]);
color(20); // "rgb(154, 52, 57)"
color(50); // "rgb(123, 81, 103)"

This is mapping x, which takes value in [10, 130] to [0, 960]; 

domain \(\to\) codomain

  • Similar to ordinal sclaes except the output range is continuous and numeric
  • typically used for bar charts with an ordinal or categorical dimension
const x = d3.scaleBand(["a", "b", "c"], [0, 960]);
x("a"); // 0
x("b"); // 320
x("c"); // 640
x("d"); // undefined

D3 axis

Linear Axis 

Linear Axis -- XY coordinates

.attr("transform", "translate(tx,ty)")

  • d3.transform is a helper function; possible other transformations include scale, rotate, etc.  
  • translate is moving the graphic element tx, ty away from the "origin". 

D3 margin

  • When we define a width and height for an SVG element, we usually define it for the outer dimensions.
  • origin is top left corner
  • Usually define an object with properties for the four sides (clockwise from the top, per CSS tradition) 






margin = ({top: 20, right: 30, bottom: 30, left: 40})

D3 min max extent


i.e., how to get input range of scales 

min, max, extent

  • d3.min returns the minimum value from the given iterable of values
  • d3.max returns the maximum value from the given iterable of values
  • d3.extent returns [min, max] in a single pass over the input
    • convenient for getting the scale's domain 
  • Technically, d3.min and d3.max work with types other than numbers 

Putting things altogether

  • To create a scatterplot: 
    • read in data with d3.csv
    • use d3.extent to obtain range of input 
    • use margin, scales, and axes to create the axes 
    • append circles of actual data 

Margins and axes 

Activity 1: create a static, scatterplot using D3


  • A common technique when analyzing or visualizing data is to organize your data into groups.
  • D3 can help us create a hierarchical data structure from flat data.
  • e.g., we can use D3's .rollup function to group the data by any of the categorical properties.

  • For more, see https://observablehq.com/@d3/d3-group

let data = [
	{"Title": "Adaptation", "Distributor": "Sony Pictures", "Genre": "Comedy", "Worldwide_Gross": 22498520, "Rating": 91},
	{"Title": "Air Bud", "Distributor": "Walt Disney Pictures", "Genre": "Comedy", "Worldwide_Gross": 27555061, "Rating": 45},
	{"Title": "Air Force One", "Distributor": "Sony Pictures", "Genre": "Action", "Worldwide_Gross": 315268353, "Rating": 78},
	{"Title": "Alex & Emma", "Distributor": "Warner Bros.", "Genre": "Drama", "Worldwide_Gross": 15358583, "Rating": 11},
	{"Title": "Alexander", "Distributor": "Warner Bros.", "Genre": "Adventure", "Worldwide_Gross": 167297191, "Rating": 16},
	{"Title": "Ali", "Distributor": "Sony Pictures", "Genre": "Drama", "Worldwide_Gross": 84383966, "Rating": 67},
	{"Title": "Alice in Wonderland", "Distributor": "Walt Disney Pictures", "Genre": "Adventure", "Worldwide_Gross": 1023291110, "Rating": 51},
	{"Title": "Alive", "Distributor": "Walt Disney Pictures", "Genre": "Adventure", "Worldwide_Gross": 36299670, "Rating": 71},
	{"Title": "All the King's Men", "Distributor": "Sony Pictures", "Genre": "Drama", "Worldwide_Gross": 9521458, "Rating": 11},
	{"Title": "Amadeus", "Distributor": "Warner Bros.", "Genre": "Drama", "Worldwide_Gross": 51973029, "Rating": 96}

function sumWorldwideGross(group) {
	return d3.sum(group, function(d) {
		return d.Worldwide_Gross;

function doRollup(data) {
	let groups = d3.rollup(data, sumWorldwideGross,
						   function(d) { return d.Distributor; },
						   function(d) { return d.Genre; }

	// Get Sony Pictures
	console.log(groups.get('Sony Pictures'));

	// Get Drama within Sony Pictures
	console.log(groups.get('Sony Pictures').get('Drama'));


d3.rollup groups data by Distributor and Genre;
it returns a nested map object 

Each of the groups is then passed into sumWorldwideGross which returns the sum of Worldwide_Gross.

D3 legend 

Dynamic visualization

D3 transitions

  • D3 transitions animate changes to the DOM 
    • selecting elements → modifying elements → timing 
    • control flow 
  .attr('cy', 50)
  .attr('r', 40)
    .attr('cx', function(d) {
      return d;
  .attr('cy', 50)
  .attr('r', 40)
    .attr('cx', function(d) {
      return d;

Easting functions

An easing function defines the change in speed of an element during a transition. 

  .attr('cy', 50)
  .attr('r', 40)
  .attr('cx', function(d) {
    return d;

Easing functions

Chained transitions

Looping through transitions

.on("end", repeat)
  • Previously known as "enter, exit, update"
    • HTML/SVG elements that have just been created are known as entering elements and ones that are about to be removed are known as exiting elements. 
  • Gives us more fine-grained control over entering and exiting elements, which may be helpful for transitions 
  • Entering and exiting elements can be treated differently by passing functions into the .join method:
  function(enter) {
  function(update) {
  function(exit) {
  • the enter function's parameter enter is the enter selection which represents the elements that need to be created
  • the update function's parameter update is a selection containing the elements that are already in existence (and aren't exiting)
  • the exit function's parameter exit is the exit selection and contains elements that need to to be removed


Interactive vis

  • d3.format allows parsing numbers and time for human consumption 
  • We can add event handlers to selected elements using the .on method. This method takes two arguments: 
    • First argument: a string specifying the event type
    • Second argument: a callback function that's called when the event is triggered 
  .on('click', function(e, d) {
      .style('fill', 'orange');

e: DOM event object

d: joined data

to modify e using D3 you must first select it using d3.select(this).

D3 tooltip

  • The tooltips are small HTML elements that accompany visual objects to present data values and usually appear when the user moves the mouse pointer over an element.
    • Since it is a small HTML element, it also requires styling via css

D3 tooltip - example

Looping with intervals

Basically playing something on repeat with https://www.oreilly.com/library/view/introduction-to-d3js/9781800568259/video4_2.html


Group activity: make a dynamic chart using D3

Margins and axes 

Group activity: make an interactive vis using D3

Adding update functions


Given an svg element containing a g element:

  <g class="chart">

and an array let myData = [10, 20, 30, 40, 50], one can join this array to circle elements using


Since the .join method returns a selection containing all of the joined elements, we can then update the HTML/SVG elements using .style, .attr and .text


  <g class="chart">

and an array let myData = [10, 20, 30, 40, 50], one can join this array to circle elements using


Since the .join method returns a selection containing all of the joined elements, we can then update the HTML/SVG elements using .style, .attr and .text

Observe there is nothing plotting on the HTML 

That's because we haven't specified any attributes for the circles. 

D3 tutorial

By Sheng Long

D3 tutorial

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