
Distributed Version Control System


IS this similar to your code directory ? 


Imagine the same with 100+ file application !

How (the f##k) do you manage, collaborate, debug,  a project like that ?


Linus Torvalds fixed this

by creating a sub-version control system called git for developing linux & then made it open source for other developers to manage their projects.

with git your directory will look like 


With all sub versions being stored in the background

Let's get started

download and install git on your platform.

surface area and volume calculator

  1. choose a programming language 
  2. find someone with same choice
  3. sit with him/her

parts of the program

divide parts among yourselves

Workshop outline

  1. config
  2. init
  3. status
  4. add
  5. commit
  6. reset
  7. remote
  8. pull
  9. push
  10. log

git config

git config --global user.name "Shivek Khurana"
git config --global user.email s@s.ss

git init

convert a directory into repository

Create you file

touch main.py
touch main.js
touch (whatever)

GIt status

lists the unsaved changes and untracked objects in your repo

git add

stage your files to be commited

git commit

save staged files as "snapshots" and can be accessed, modified and switched 

git status again

notice the message 
"nothing to commit, working directory clean"

git reset

just in case you didn't like the change you commmited, you can go back by typing : 

git reset HEAD ^

git remote

git remote connects your local repo with those of collaborators

github is not equal to git
github is a service to host git remotes

git pull 

so you are up to date

git push

git log


By shivekkhurana


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