
1. How often do you use the Internet to find information?


2. How would you find information without the Internet?


3. What's the most important site in your country?

In your tutor's country?

What is the Internet?

What does the Internet look like?

The Internet Backbone

Internet Pipeline

Facebook Connections

The World Wide Web

What is


How was the Great Library
different from the Internet?

Without search,

the Internet is like a

person with amnesia.


Which search engines do you use?

How are search engines different?

A Brief History of Search

Search in 1996

Why don't we still use Yahoo's categories to search?

In 1997, Google tried to sell their search algorithm for $1 million dollars. 

They lowered the price to $750,000.

Nobody wanted it. Not Excite, or Yahoo.
Instead, Yahoo bought GeoCities for $3.5 billion.

How many searches do you make per day?

What do you search for?

What would you do without search?

Basic Math

60 searches a day.

1 minute each.

If you can finish searching in 30 seconds,

how much time will you likely save over your lifetime?


Search is a Skill

Research is search,

done professionally

On a scale from 0-10,

how would you rate your "searching" skill?


Have you ever searched for something online,

but couldn't find it? 
Why not?

What is important to the search engine?

more words or less?

word order?

capitals? punctuation?

Which filters do you use? When?





Do you skim search results?

Do you ever look at page 2?

What do the following terms do?







Discuss and write down your search queries for the examples

Google a Day

Search Competition

1. Race to find the correct answer

2. Write down all your search queries



Learn More

How does search work?

What do these terms mean?


Web Crawler

Page Rank





Inside the Mind of Google (documentary)


Google & The World Brain (documentary)


Build a Search Engine (online course)


9 Algorithms That Changed the Future (book)



By Shawn McKay


Internet Search is a Skill. A discussion based lesson.

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