Shota Papiashvili
November 9th, 2020
- >9M Monthly unique visitors
- >70M Monthly Page Views
- >1.7PB Storage
- >1.5M Active email accounts
- 8 Native Apps
- 20+ years of legacy
- 200m Data center
- ~Low site redundancy
- High dependencies on IT
- Big IT Team (9 EEs)
- 2.3 PB storage rack
Lift and shift VS Fix and shift
- How we move 2.3Pb to Ireland?
- Monitoring
- Abnormality detection
- Databases - replica?
- Gradual cutover
- From IT to DevOps
- Removing IT dependencies
- Cloud speed
- Fast POC
- Agility
- Focus
A Cloud Story Shota Papiashvili November 9th, 2020