Faculty Enterprise Study

Simon Hettrick

27 January 2023 - Faculty Leadership Meeting, Southampton -  @sjh5000     ORCID: 0000-0002-6809-5195


We know a lot about enterprise outputs, but little about the enterprise staff

How representative are the findings?

  • 224 responses out of a faculty of 1352 staff

  • Confidence level = 95%

  • Margin of error = 6%

  • Staff responded from 11 different Schools, Enterprise Units and other groups.

  • 22 staff were involved in 6 focus groups


  • staff want to contribute to successful strategy and policy by being included in its creation
  • easier access to information about how to get involved with enterprise
  • a clearer understanding of the University’s policies on enterprise
  • greater job security


  • parity of recognition across the three job pathways
  • more relevant and understandable policies on promotion
  • greater flexibility in pay
  • ongoing commitment to understanding the enterprise community


  • staff want to improve support from professional services by increasing staffing of professional services
  • published metrics on the duration of support requests
  • collection of metrics on missed opportunities
  • service-level agreements
  • improved software systems


  • staff want a better understanding of working hours across the ERE family
  • an understanding of the costs and benefits of ERE staff conducting administration
  • time allocation for enterprise activities


“Everybody will thank you for your efforts and nothing will change”

Presentation on FEPS enterprise

By Simon Hettrick

Presentation on FEPS enterprise

Presented at faculty leadership away day

  • 309