Relevant Azure News

April - 2021 


Simon J.K. Pedersen, CTO,


  • Cost management
  • Communication Service
  • Bicep
  • Azure Logic Apps 
  • Quick bits

Azure Cost Management

  • More features
  • Better overview per subscription
  • Ability to create alerts based on forecast

Do you use cost alerts?

Azure Communication Service

  • Twilio competitor (sms, phone)
    • Just US right now
  • White labeled Microsoft Teams service 
    • Chat, voice, screen sharing
  • Ready to use SDK for many language 
  • Nice react templates to use
  • Possible to integration with Microsoft Teams

Azure Bicep

  • New DSL for authoring ARM templates
  • Really good extensions for VSCode
  • More compact syntax
  • Easier to modularize
  • Better debugging
  • Zero day ARM support all the time
  • Fully support by Microsoft and production ready

Example and thoughts

Azure Logic Apps Preview

  • Rebuilt logic apps version that runs on-top of Azure Functions
  • Access to many of the same connectors
  • Can run anywhere (using Docker technology)
  • Can run in Azure (no longer a multi-tenant solution)

Azure Logic Apps Preview

  • Is it useful? 
  • Have anyone tried it?
  • Does anyone want to try it?

Quick bits

  • CosmosDB now with Backup and restore........ WOW
  • More on the Cloud Adoption Framework
  • Free SSL certificates (no-longer preview)

Your favorite Azure news?


By Simon J.K. Pedersen


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