Introduction to containers and tools

What is containers

Benefits over VMs

  • Smaller size (MBs)
  • Faster startup
  • Easy/fast to create
  • Distribution as images 
  • Easy to extend existing images
  • Bigger eco-system

Tools you need

  • An operating system that can run docker 
  • A docker tool stack (engine, cli 
    • Windows: WSL + Docker Desktop / Podman
    • Mac: Docker Desktop / Rancher
      • (note ARM architecture != x86) 
    • Linux: bet you know docker already
  • For Docker Deskop, you need a license ask DG.IT if you are a serious user of it


  • BC in a Windows Container
  • Creating your own container
  • Distributing a container
  • Running a container with volume mounts
  • Testing with containers

BC Container on Windows

$artifactUrl = Get-BcArtifactUrl -type sandbox -country us -select Latest

New-BCContainer -accept_eula -containerName mysandbox -artifactUrl $artifactUrl -auth UserPassword -credential (Get-Credential)

Building your own

Running containers with volume mount

docker run --rm -v c:/temp:/work backplane/youtube-dl RUqGlWr5LBA

Testing with Containers

container introduction and tools

By Simon J.K. Pedersen

container introduction and tools

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