A brief introduction to FAIR Digital Objects



Stian Soiland-Reyes

NFDI4DS: Tutorial and Hackathon on “webby” FAIR Digital Objects
ZBMed, Cologne, DE, 2024-11-20

Intended Learning Outcomes

  1. Can explain the purpose of the FAIR Guiding Principles
  2. Understand motivation for FAIR Digital Objects (FDO)
  3. Can distinguish different FDO “flavours” incl. Webby FDO

The Turing Way Community. (2022): The Turing Way: A handbook for reproducible, ethical and collaborative research (1.0.2). Zenodo


Turing Way illustrations by Scriberia


Moving from FAIR data to FAIR Digital Objects

FAIR enough?

  • FAIR data is passive and often static
    • Can we avoid “File and forget” mentality?
    • How to “wake up the data” using services and software?
  • FAIR data lack detailed types and attributes for findability
    • I know it's a Dataset, but of what?
  • Ambiguous metadata expectations causes heuristic handling
    • Does not declare in advance which schema/attributes are used how
  • Current resolution mechanism are not suitable for machines
    • e.g. DOI to HTML landing page
  • Lack of qualified references to other FAIR data (I3)
    • Can we build a navigatable ecosystem of FAIR digital objects?

FAIR Digital Objects

A set of principles and recommendations for how to implement
FAIR across machine actionable digital objects

Conceptual FDO structure

  1. Persistent Identifier (PID) points to a PID Record which has attributes including outgoing qualified references
  2. FDO Type defines semantic purpose of the FDO
  3. PID Profile defines which attributes (and types) to expect
  4. Downloadable bytes (bitstream) in traditional content types (e.g. JPEG)
  5. Metadata beyond the attributes can be separate resources, possibly its own FDO
  6. Operations include optional API calls beyond CRUD
  7. Qualified references to other FDOs form an ecosystem, including Collections

Simplified FDO for Data (FDO-D)

Reproduced from

Strawn et al. (2024):
Data FDO Simplified Requirements (draft)

How is FDO implemented?

Several flavours available..

Broeder et al. (2024):
FDO Related Solutions (draft)

Handle system

  • Handles: persistent identifier protocol used by DOI etc
  • Handles can have additional attributes, not just redirects
    • Handle can be used as PID Record

DOIP: Digital Object Interface Protocol

  • DOIP used with Handles adds operations (including CRUD)
  • Dedicated DOIP protocol or DOIP-over-HTTP

Webby FDOs

  • Recognises that Web (aka HTTP) is ubiquitous, not going away soon
  • Builds on existing Web standards
    • Signposting for navigation (PID record)
    • Linked Data for metadata
    • RO-Crate as basis for metadata profiles

Signposting for Webby FDOs

Link relation/attribute --> FDO concept

Any rel= after PID redirect FDO/PID Record (PID Profile: Signposting)
rel=cite-as PID (persistent identifier)
rel=linkset FDO Record (PID Profile: Linkset)
rel=describedby Metadata, or Metadata FDO if PID
rel=describes FDO Record that has this metadata
rel=item Bit-sequence
rel=collection FDO Collection, or FDO Record for a bitstream
rel=type FDO Type
type= on rel=item or rel=describes MIME type of bitstream
rel=profile PID Profile
profile= on rel=describes FDO Type of Metadata (e.g. PID Profile: RO-Crate https://w3id.org/ro/crate)
rel=author or rel=license Kernel attributes
rel=api-catalogue to linkset FDO Collection of FDO Operations
rel=service-desc or rel=service-doc FDO Operation

2024-11-20 FAIR digital objects

By Stian Soiland-Reyes

2024-11-20 FAIR digital objects

Presented at NFDI Hackathon at ZBMed 2024-11-20

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