by Sophie Barber
Key Props
- A black diary which has pages full with writing about the three ex boyfriends. This shows our characters obsessive nature.
- A tube of red lipstick to smybolise femininity. We chose the color red as it is the color of blood and fire.
- A lit candle to use as a source of light and a flickering flame shows danger or an uneasy atmosphere.
- A single red rose to show love, but thorns to show hatred and pain.
Other props found on the desk
- Cassette tapes with labels showing the time and date the audio was recorded on.
- An old valentines card that has been destroyed slightly.
- A ring that was a present from one of her previous boyfriends, its labeled with when it was given to her for example 'Birthday 2011'
- A teddy bear that is holding a love heart that was also given as a gift.
A stack of finger prints that she had taken from her previous boyfriends without permission.
More props
- A bulletin board that has a link chart on it is positioned above the desk area on the wall. It has information about her three ex boyfriends including their photo, home address, mobile numbers, their whereabouts, new partners, blood types and large bold words describing them.
- There is also a knife that the character plays with in her hands which shows she's not scared of hurting others and that she has a very twisted mind.
- A lighter is also used to set a light to the rose to show that she no longer feels loved and no longer feels love towards those who have left her.
- A mirror is also used when the title is reveled using lipstick however it also shows our characters vain personality.
- A wooden table that is used as a desk.
We have decided to go with a plain outfit for the main character. The outfit will include a plain white blouse, a black cardigan and black trousers. She will also wear a necklace that was a gift from one of her ex boyfriends and wear her hair down. She'll have red nail polish on as it will tie in with the theme and represent blood. As she wears plain, basic clothes you would think she is very normal and doesn't like to be the center of attention however this is the opposite to what she is really like.
Mise-en-scene by Sophie Barber
By sophiebarbs
- 222