I built a robot to cheat at Pokémon!!

Sophie Déziel

Rails dev @ Acquisio

Twitch Streamer


Guiz de Pessemier

Co-founder of Outerminds


Twitch Streamer


Automation to the rescue!!

Two challenges

  • Controlling the game
  • Have input to make decisions


  • Cheap
  • Easy to find
  • You can position the arm precisely
  • Easy to control
  • Does not require to destroy a controller
  • Slow


  • Easy to position close to the screen
  • Lots of Open-Source Software to control them
  • Plug and Play (most of the time)
  • We can use a single pixel to make a decision

We can go forward

Make it autonomous and easy to share with Raspberry Pi


We need to make it:

  • Reliable
  • Precise
  • Configurable

Make it reliable

  • Unsupervised
  • Perfect timing
  • Must not move


"Computer vision"

  • Easy to setup
  • Not so hard to code

Having an interface

  • Control remotely
  • Edit settings easily
  • Visualise the webcam

Putting it all together

The working prototype!


Unplanned features

  • Controls improvements
  • Easy updates
  • Two people working on the same robot
  • Communication features (SMS and Tweets)

And now?

Want to build it?

So cool!


You can modify it:

  • Add Lights and lasers
  • Remove the Arduino and use the RP GPIO
  • Improve the interface
  • Adapt the codebase for another game

OS Hardware

  • Raspberry Pi
  • Arduino


  • Raspbian
  • Motion
  • Firmata
  • Ruby
  • Rails
  • RMagick
  • Nginx

Thank you so much


I built a robot to cheat at Pokémon!!

By Sophie Déziel

I built a robot to cheat at Pokémon!!

Women Tech Makers version

  • 1,238