


David Stancel



  1. Vznik elektronických mien Bitcoinu a Blockchainu
  2. Princípy fungovania blockchain technológií
  3. Blockchain a jeho využitie
  4. Trendy, projekty, vízie a výzvy







- VP @ Blockchain Slovakia
/education & awareness, lectures & seminars

- MSc. @ University of Nicosia, Cyprus
- Bc. @ Masaryk University, Brno
- External consultant @ STU, Slovakia


- Consulting & Advisory
- Blockchain startups & Fintech

- CFI @ MF

- exPwC IT Audit

- New Bits on the Block:


About me




- 70's 20. storočia --> asymetrická kryptografia


- David Chaum --> DigiCash & Cypherpunks

- Nick Szabo --> Bit Gold & Smart Contracts

- Satoshi Nakamoto & Bitcoin





Vznik elektronických mien

David Chaum's DigiCash

a teda aj blockchain


... má svoje korene v rôznych myšlienkových smeroch:


teória hier, kryptografia, hackerská kultúra, open source hnutie, a libertarianizmus...

ako riešenie na jeden partikulárny problém



What is Blockchain?

A tamper-proof, shared digital append-only ledger that records transactions grouped into blocks in a decentralized peer-to-peer network. The permanent recording of transactions in the Blockchain stores permanently the history of asset exchanges that take place between the peers.

Updating the ledger (usually) requires solving Byzantine Agreements (hash) with economically incentivized participation, secured by cryptography

Blockchain I.

Blockchain II.

1. Nová tranzakcia je odoslaná do siete

2. Každý uzol v sieti zbiera tranzakcie do bloku

3. Pri každom kole /bloku/ náhodne vybraný uzol získa právo určiť "pravdu"

4. Ďalšie uzle v sieti akceptujú blok iba za definovaných podmienok (ak má validné podpisy a tranzakcie)

5. Akceptáciu bloku vyjadrujú zahrnutím jeho hashu do svojich ďalších blokov

Blockchain III.

Blockchain IV.

Blockchain IV.

Blockchain V.

Blockchain VI.



Smart Contracts

  • Cutting edge, untested
  • 10 x more buggy code
  • Different logic than SW on centralized machines
  • Potentially unchangeable
  • Different platforms, limited interoperability
  • Ethereum seems to be so far the winner

Blockchain a jeho využitie

Blockchain Heuristics

In fact, of the 231 PoCs Gartner reported on, only 14 have moved into a limited scale live-in production environment, reflecting the immaturity of the market we’re seeing today.


The same report estimates only 10% of these projects will make it to a fully-scaled business model by 2020. Given this predicament, it’s no surprise seeing enterprises employing stricter vetting processes and restricting spending on DLT projects overall.


Trade Finance

  • Ease of Publication & Distribution Independent validation

  • Immutable Records - Digital fingerprints (hashes) of the individual certificates issued, are placed permanently in a blockchain transaction

  • Reduced time to issue Certificates

  • Costs of re-issuing certificates in the case the hard copy is lost are minimal

  • Ease and instant authentication by interested parties (e.g. employers) even if the application used or the institution’s website no longer exists. Operational costs minimized

Academic Certificates

  • Digitize Supply Chain Process
  • Track the paper trails of shipping containers
  • Reduce time spent in transit and shipping process
  • Enhance transparency and security of product information exchanged between parties
  • Reduce costs and complexity Improve stock management
  • Reduce fraud and errors on the quality of products

Supply Chain


  • Reduce voter fraud, inefficiencies with verifiable audit trails
  • Minimize government fraud, digitize most processes
  • Increase accountability and compliance for government officials
  • Identity validation; integrity of citizen registry data

Government & Voting

Ethereum Enterprise Alliance

In March 2017 a group of 30 enterprises announced formation of Ethereum Enterprise Alliance, which has recently grown to more than 200 members, making it probably the largest blockchain consortium today.

EEA’s focus in bringing Ethereum to the enterprise environment, meaning moving from a public, permissionless to a private, permissioned setting, which means it will be easier to provide better support for privacy and performance. There are some plans to support anchoring on the public Ethereum network as a way to securely timestamp the chain state.

Trendy, projekty, vízie

Zmena paradigmy?

ICOs in 2017

ICOs in 2018

Blockchain Ecosystem


Non-fungible tokens

Security Token Offerings

Stable Coins


  • Decentralized Exchanges & Marketplaces (IDEX, OpenBazaar..)
  • Prediction Markets (Augur, Gnosis)
  • Atomic Swaps
  • Interoperability (Polkadot, Cosmos)
  • Oracles
  • Blockchain & VR/IoT


  • Legislatívne:
  • - Status kryptomien
  • - Daňové regulácie
  • - Status tokenov a spôsob ICO
  • Technické:
  • - Škálovateľnosť
  • - Bezpečnosť
  • - Užívateľské prostredie




Biweekly Newsletter -New Bits on the Block:



By David Stancel


CSOB, December

  • 480